[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UnbEOOT.png[/img][/center] Interaction with [@Ponn] [@Qia] [hr] [hider]Ennui's brow furrowed as she absorbed this new information. The name 'Inferno Tyrant' didn't ring a bell; then again, Quincy and she often lived on the fringes of society, largely disconnected from current events. This was mostly, due to Quincy's eccentric and off-putting behavior, which made social interactions challenging, to say the least. Anything new that Ennui did manage to pick up on would often come from eavesdropping on others' conversations before Quincy inevitably managed to get them expelled from whatever establishment he had ventured into. [color=a2d39c][i]The Abyssal Convergence and now this?[/i][/color] She thought to herself. [color=a2d39c][i]Things have indeed become dire.[/i][/color] She had been about to inquire further, but her thoughts were abruptly disrupted by a peculiar energy, one that felt almost external. Emotions of unease and fear had begun to claw their way to the surface. Ennui had sensed this lingering feeling ever since Quincy's arrival in Nexustead, but now, it was intensifying. [color=a2d39c][i]What is this sensation?[/i][/color] she fretted, glancing around, seeking any source or sign of the growing unease. [color=a187be]“Mmmm… they’re approaching, aren’t they?”[/color] Quincy mumbled, his voice unusually soft as he took a quiet sip from his tea cup. Ennui's brow furrowed in response. His words were so subdued that she strained to catch them, a rare moment of clarity in his typically whimsical speech. It was then that Marshal Elara arrived. [color=gray]"It's you, isn't it? The Quincy Safehaven,"[/color] she said with a mixture of frustration and exasperation. Quincy blinked in surprise, his luminous, ever-changing eyes widening as he heard his full name. Beside him, Ennui cursed softly, but Quincy couldn't help but glance up from his cup of ‘tea’. His head tilted to the side, and he took in the newcomer. Did he… know this person? He delved into the depths of his memories, trying to recall if he had ever before seen her face. All the while, Elara continued to speak, offering warnings to his new-found friends about the potential dangers of being associated with him. Ennui's exasperation rang in the air. [color=a2d39c]”This is not good, Quincy.”[/color] she whispered. [color=a2d39c]”It seems your notoriety has grown too large. People are recognizing us now.”[/color] Quincy, however, was lost in his own world of curiosity. He paid no heed to the words spoken by either of them. He was still rifling through the colorful folds of his memories. His head swung from one side to the other, his expression a mix of confusion and intrigue. Noooooo, he definitely hadn't met this woman in person before. But perhaps he had stumbled into her dreams at some point. Maybe she was the one where he made a sentient guillotine fall madly in love with her? Aaaaaaah, now that was a delightful dream! Quincy swooned with a whimsical smile as he recalled watching the guillotine chasing the woman around the castle, all the while asking for her '[b]head [/b]in marriage'. But wait, that woman had red hair, didn’t she? Or at least, it was red after the guillotine caught up with her… This woman, however, had raven-black hair. Hmmmm… it was evolving into quite the mystery. With nimble fingers, Quincy reached behind his back and produced his Oneiric Gauge, a unique dream-measuring tape he carried at all times. If he could measure her dreamscape further, he might be able to unravel this mysterious enigma once and for all. Elara's stern gaze returned to Quincy, her expressions unwavering as she continued her admonishment. One by one, she listed various consequences of his actions tonight. [color=gray]"And now, these Abyssal creatures are closing in."[/color] She pointed toward the approaching Abyssal horde. [color=a2d39c][i]Abyssal Creatures? Closing in on us?!?![/i][/color] Ennui's eyes darted in the direction Elara indicated. Her eyes widened in horror. So that was the source of the dread she had been sensing. And it seemed she wasn't alone in her unease. The crowd around them mirrored her fear. [color=gray]"Not the night I had in mind for your particular brand of entertainment. So, Quincy Safehaven, explain yourself. It had better be good, and it had better be quick."[/color] Quincy rose from the campfire and slowly approached Elara. [color=a2d39c]”Quuuuincy… what are you doing?”[/color] Ennui whispered anxiously. This was indeed not the night for any more of his antics! He needed to bow his head in apology now! However, instead of bowing his head, he stopped about a foot away from Elara and extended his Oneiric Gauge. The Gauge’s tape unfurled and shot out, zipping past Elara's head, then turning at an improbable angle and darting back past her feet. Swish! Swash! Swoosh! The Oneiric Gauge weaved an intricate dance around Elara, creating a chaotic tangle of threads. And yet, remarkably, it never once touched her. At last, the tape came to a halt, its cryptic dance concluded. Elara's expression shifted from annoyance to concern as she noticed the measuring tape darting around her. She raised an eyebrow and demanded, [color=gray]"What is the meaning of this, Quincy?"[/color] [color=a187be]“Hmmm… quite the intriguing dreamscape you have there but it is definitely not one I’ve ever encountered before.”[/color] Quincy said. With a deft motion, the Oneiric Gauge smoothly retracted with a subtle whoosh, neatly stowing itself away. [color=a187be]“Well, that clarifies one mystery—we certainly haven't met before!”[/color] Quincy exclaimed with evident delight. Ennui let out an exasperated sigh. For the entire conversation, it seemed he hadn't heard a single word from either of them. Elara's patience had its limits, and her annoyance was growing. She sighed and spoke, her tone firm and authoritative, [color=gray]"Enough with the theatrics, Quincy. Explain yourself, now! Unless you'd like to continue this discussion in a prison cell."[/color] [color=a187be]“A prison cell? Why, that actually sounds rather love-”[/color] Ennui quickly cut Quincy off, recognizing the situation was beyond Quincy's grasp. [color=a2d39c]”My apologies Marshal Elara. Please excuse my companion. He is not right in the head.”[/color] [color=a187be]“I like to think of myself as more left than right, really.”[/color] Quincy remarked with enthusiasm. [color=a2d39c]”I understand we have a sort of reputation, but I assure you that nothing Quincy does is driven by malicious intent.”[/color] Elara remained stern, her skepticism clear in her eyes as she said, [color=gray]"Reputation or not, this is a serious situation. We don't have time for antics or cryptic responses. I need to know why you're here and what you intend to do in this situation."[/color] [color=a2d39c]”We are here because we lost our home to the Abyssal Convergence. We’ve been wandering from place to place ever since. We came here by happenstance, but I promise we do not intend to stay long. As for the trouble we caused, please allow me to apologize on Quincy’s behalf. It should only be fitting, considering as I am literally the embodiment of his other half.”[/color] Elara furrowed her brow at Ennui's response, her tone a mix of concern and confusion. [color=gray]"Literal embodiment of his other half? That's an unusual choice of words. But regardless, your circumstances are unfortunate. We will address the Abyssal situation, but I expect you and Quincy to stay out of the way and not cause any further trouble."[/color] Ennui blinked in surprise. She had anticipated a more extensive interrogation, but it seemed their explanation had sufficed for Elara. [color=a2d39c]”Yes, yes, of course. No more trouble. I promise. Right, Quincy?”[/color] She elbowed Quincy firmly in the neck. [color=a187be]“Hmm? Oh right. No more trouble. Promise… Though if you don’t mind, I would like to revisit that offer of a nice prison cel-”[/color] [color=a2d39c]”QUINCY!”[/color] Ennui interjected. [color=a187be]“Very well, perhaps another time then,”[/color] Quincy replied with a cheerful wave and a smile. Elara, with a lingering air of skepticism, cast an untrusting gaze upon Quincy before finally turning her attention to the mess he had created, specifically the unfortunate individual hanging from his underwear on a pole. The crowd's general reluctance to assist the unfortunate soul was evident in their continued distance and hushed murmurs. Elara's final response came in the form of a stern and unyielding silence, leaving Ennui and Quincy with no doubt that they were expected to resolve the situation they had inadvertently caused. Ennui quickly understood the unspoken message. [color=a2d39c]”Quuuuincy… how about we help that poor soul hanging by his underwear.”[/color] Quincy pondered for a moment. [color=a187be]“Help? Let me see…”[/color] His fingers deftly navigated the openings in the dreamcatcher-patterned fabric draping his attire. A sharp tear emanated from the man's underwear, prompting a panicked scream. [color=a2d39c]”Quickly Quincy!”[/color] The fabric tore, and the man let out a piercing cry. [color=a187be]“Ah, this should suffice!”[/color] A trampoline materialized under the man, catching him mid-fall. Quincy applauded himself with a flourish. [color=a187be]“Ta-da!”[/color] Elara cast a reluctant, curt nod toward Quincy, her gaze still laden with skepticism.[/hider]