[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] "What did I tell you!? Pointless distraction!" Old Gilligan sure knew how to ruin a moment. "Back off." MacKensie did as she was told and backed up a couple of steps, but her mood was not swayed by the hermit. She was still laser-focused on the fight, her fists in front of her face with with excited anticipation as Adam and the black bear traded attacks. Adam's clever maneouver with the dirt put him back on the offensive and he seemed to grow in confidence as both combatants increased their ferocity. And then, it was over. So suddenly. The bear stopped and... did it just bow it's head? It was all a test. A potentially lethal test, but a test all the same - MacKensie remembered that now as she watched the bear lick Adam's face. She smiled. When the bear turned back into a ghostly form and went into Adam, the Ranger didn't need Gilligan to speak to realise that it was over. [Colour=Pink]"Adam."[/colour] MacKensie ran over to the Druid and gave him a congratulatory hug and kiss on the cheek, before realising that she may have been squeezing the wounded man too tightly. Not wanting to hurt him, she let go and smiled, relief and admiration on her face. Subconciously, she was now looking at Adam in a totally different light, but she would not realise this until a later time. [Colour=Pink]"That was amazing."[/colour] She looked down at all his injuries. [Colour=Pink]"We need to dress those wounds. Come."[/colour] She put his arm over her shoulder and her own around his back, to give him a little assistance walking. Then she addressed Gilligan. [Colour=Pink]"Sir Druid, may we please have some hot water and bandages, or something like this?"[/colour] Whether it was begrudingly or not, Gilligan allowed them into his home and fetched some things for MacKensie to attempt first aid. She wasn't really qualified in this respect, but she tried all the same. With a soaked cloth, she gently washed the slash and bite wounds on his chest and waist. [Colour=Pink]"You were so brave out there. To fight a bear...?"[/colour] She shook her head, at a loss for words. [Colour=Pink]"I cannot believe what I just witnessed."[/colour] With some instruction from the annoying old hermit, she managed to do a decent job, finishing up by tying up some bandages around his torso, then she retrieved his shoes, shirt and jacket to hand them to him.