[quote=@Saiyan] Lol ah I see now. The ambiguity left enough room for me to change the tone. So now, James is a drunken idiot for thinking Zell could have won against that giant man in a fair match lol smh Second Chance's beloved strategist with the worst strat ever. "Kids, don't drink. This happens." This is what happens when there is no planning and using eachother's character, but it's fun and makes some hilarious moments. Standard practice for me n Zool [/quote] There is only one answer I can give: [hider=The answer] [img]https://i.imgflip.com/84e0bm.jpg[/img] [/hider] But yeah, this is him at his, well, not [i]worst[/i] but definitely not his best, he has basically turned his brain off at this point and is just going with the flow.