[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] "I didn't do it alone," she quickly said. "It was a team effort." Barracker listened intently, he did not interrupt. As a monster hunter he was intrigued to understand any details she was willing to give. This would later help him take down Cerberus possibly. “We all did our part, I attacked from one side with my spear while it was blinded by a spell and the others attacked from other sides as well. There is no way that beast could be slain by one person alone. I can tell you one thing." She leaned in as if she wanted to let them in on a secret. "I can tell you he smelled really bad. I was up close and phew" she waved her hand in front of her nose. "Be glad you weren't there." The kids laughed loudly and even Barracker let a little chuckle out himself, full well knowing how monsters could smell. One time, a while ago, Barracker had hunted down a pack of Drowners and tracked them to their lair. At the time he was inexperienced, so if it wasn’t for his vampire constitution, he would surely have vomited while fighting. The smell of rotten corpses and fish littering the cave, was a tough stench to stomach. Barracker spoke, [Colour=Green]“It is very true kids. A beast of that calibre should never be fought by a single person alone.”[/colour] Eren spoke next, “but don’t you hunt down monsters,” Eren aimed the question to Barracker, who he knew worked alone. [Colour=Green]“Yes, but never that size and strength,”[/colour] Barracker started to think of Cerebus when suddenly it got brought into the conversation by tyrion. “Fenna,will you help Barracker hunt down a beast named Cerberus”. Barracker shook his head lovingly at Tyrion's sincere request, then waited for Fenna to respond and then said. [Colour=Green]“Kids, they always have the best interest of others. He always tries to look out for me.”[/colour] After speaking for some time, moments later Eren said he was going to get some shots in, wanting to make the most of this opportunity. The young boy smiled at Fenna, then ran to queue up again. [Colour=Green]“What are your plans after this?”[/colour] Barracker asked Fenna. [Colour=Green]“We will be sticking around until the end of the archery session, then I will be taking the kids back to the orphanage, then heading to The Mended Drum to book a room for the night. You are free to join me, if you’re not busy after this.”[/colour] Once he had Fenna’s answer, he nodded, then brought his attention back to Eren who he watched shooting until the end of the practice. He noted with approval that the young boy was getting very good and knew he would make a fine Ranger one day.