[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230929/a2080ed81b155b32bcbc521c05f55866.png[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] "Ridden a horse?" Zell stopped with James in the street. "What the fuck do I look like, to you, Mac- err, James...?" That disguise really needed to go. "...some kind of country bumpkin?" Then Zell realised that the excited light in James' eyes was like the light-bulb signal of a bright idea. He looked around and saw the stable. "Mate, you're not thinking what I think you're thinking, are you?" [color=df73ff]"Come on."[/color] James headed towards the stables. Zell watched him go, drunk indifference on his face, then sighed and shook his head. "You're barmy, son," he commented before following after his friend. James was not shy, he didn't hesitate a step, unlatching the gate and boldly going right up to the nearest horse. Zell decided to keep lookout. The Englishman had never even seen a horse close up before, let alone ridden one, so he couldn't help but be surprised at just how big they were, in person. "Blimey," he muttered as James led one out by the reigns. [color=df73ff]"That's it, boy,"[/color] James whispered to horse, keeping it calm. [color=df73ff]"We're just going for a ride, me and you."[/color] "Have you done this before?" Zell whispered loudly. [color=df73ff]"Maybe,"[/color] was the reply. Once it was out into the street, James reached a foot up onto a stirrup, then Zell helped boost him up onto the horse. Zell then used the stirrup himself, but at that moment the lights came on in the building next to the stable, and the front door opened where a man in his night gown looked furiously at the horse thieves. "Oi!" "Shit." Zell jumped up and managed to get his body over the back of the horse, lay across it, belly down, like some kind of kidnapped victim. "Go!" "Stop!" [color=df73ff]"Yar!"[/color] James snapped the reigns and the horse charged off down the street. "This was a bad idea!" Zell yelled as he bounced up and down on his stomach in what to be the most uncomfortable position he could have possibly put himself in. His view was of nothing else but cobblestone street flying past at great pace and all he could do was try his best hold on. Three streets later, he was losing the battle to keep himself atop the horse. "James, slow down, you twat!" But it was too late. He slipped off and went flying like a bullet into someone's garden. "Shiiiiiiiiit!" [b]Crash.[/b]