[center][youtube]https://youtu.be/As_-OhpmT5Y?si=qBGcORzeV9BOUeq9[/youtube][/center] [h2][color=gray]HiveMind Underwater Research Facility, Abandoned Maintenance Rails[/color][/h2] [@WhiteAngel25] [hr] Indeed it was as Stella said. Not too far from them, below the grate of the air ducts, a security technician stood in the hallway, on duty, making his rounds. He checked his watch, awaiting shift change that would cue his turn for a break. The keys to the [s]prisoners[/s] patients' compliance collars jingled as he turned, eyeing another guard approaching to relieve him. In the maintenance sector, Stella spoke. [b]"We're going to get Nick out and get that collar off your neck. As soon as they finish making their rounds."[/b] Subject #3 nodded, pushing her silver hair away from her face as she tried to catch her breath. Her heart was pounding as they sat. Something felt off. Surely, she should feel relieved since Stella got what she needed to help Nick be 'himself.' Especially after everything the doctor had done to him. Surely, right? As they sat against the railing of their uncharted area of the research facility, the light flashed a bright white before shorting out, plunging their world into darkness. No sounds except their breathing. The tinkle of water hitting a cement floor. Echoes of what remained of a haunting, dust-covered maintenance sector. Then, a single red eye opened in the darkness. [b][color=red]"H-...hell-O?"[/color][/b] Its laser eye moved forward, cutting swaths of red into the darkness, scanning, searching. [b][color=red]"Are you th-ERE?"[/color][/b] The red eye slowly moved forward, approaching their area. Subject #3 held a hand over her mouth, shivering against Stella as the [i]thing[/i] approached closer. This was the first time something had come into the abandoned maintenance area. She didn't know how it knew, or if it was just a stray AI machine with a strange directive, but she could guess only one thing - they were running out of time to remain unnoticed in the oppressive underwater facility. Below in the hallway, the two security technicians exchanged a few words before one urged the other to take some rest. In a few moments, the guard with the keys would walk down the hall and turn the corner, out of sight of any other employees and off-guard for the 30 seconds it would take to reach the breakroom. Stella's window of opportunity had maybe a few precious minutes left before it would shut closed for another 12 hours. [hr] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/YJaeH8ffl_M?si=2L4nDh7WPNZWzpvI[/youtube][/center] [h2][color=gray]Hivemind Underwater Research Facility, Contained Lab[/color][/h2] [@Lexisheeps] [hr] There was a long, drawn-out silence as the doctor chuckled to himself. A long, heavy silence. Then, a string of beeps as the code to the lab's security door was unlocked. In stepped a man in a dark business suit, tie a striking red. The doctor would recognize him as a division above his own in the HiveMind hierarchy - an Internal Affairs officer. He walked in, two other officers following close behind with their heavy frames blocking the hallway light at the frame of the door, hands clasped loosely in front of them. [b]"Sir?"[/b] The leading officer asked, his voice deep and gravely. [b]"You've been [i]requested[/i]. Please, follow me."[/b] Requested. By the IA officers, no less. If something like this was happening, they would only be interested in a few key things. Hush-hush things when there was loose talk around the employee breakrooms. If people spoke too much about their request orders, they quickly found themselves relocated, or worse... The two officers behind the one who spoke shuffled lightly on their feet, eyes staring down the doctor, watching every movement carefully. It seemed they were used to employees trying to run or evade them. A nurse and two security drones would slide in behind the IA officers, and the nurse, her face friendly and warm, would approach the doctor. [b]"You needn't worry. I will ensure your patient remains stable and on schedule while you meet their request."[/b] There was warmth and genuineness in her eyes, no doubt. But there was something... off. Like her smile was a bit too wide, her eyes too crinkled. Everything was just a bit too forced. [i]Strange.[/i] If the doctor followed the IA officers, they would lead him through the labyrinth of hallways in the facility until they would turn down to a quiet, more ominous-looking area. A steel door would slide open, and a dark room would be revealed, showing none other than Von Galloes sitting idly in one of the two metal chairs. He would smile coldly and gesture for the doctor to sit across from him, his hand resting on the wide steel table. [b]"Doctor, what a pleasant surprise."[/b]