[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/h4M4tF5g/generatedtext.png[/img][/center] [hr] [indent] [color=ed1c24]"Lunella, I'm glad you've decided to focus on the situation at hand. It's a relief that we're not stuck in Quincy's never-ending circus anymore. As fascinating as his quirks can be, now's not the time for whimsy,"[/color] Orion said honestly, side-eyeing said whimsical individual, [color=ed1c24]"Those Abyssal critters are no pushovers. They're a menace that needs a solid thrashing. It's.... a shame really that we can't solve this with moonflowers and ethereal dances." [/color] Despite the joking tone he'd taken, Orion knew that he and the others may have their work cut out for them. Yet, their talent could not be merely for show. He knew they at least had Lunella's celestial mojo, which could be yielded to bring some sense into their current chaotic mess. Perhaps if she were to channel her powers into a protective shield for the town, he could give these Abyssal creatures a taste of their own medicine. The fire tamer also hoped he hadn't come across as too harsh with Quincy and Ennui. They may be eccentric, but they were on his side after all. They were a team now, he realized, an unconventional one but a team nonetheless. Which meant that he'd always have their back, and hopefully they had his. [/indent]