[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Sz1t1dr.png[/img] [hr][b][color=#00bf60]Location:[/color][/b] Sierra Trailhead [b][color=#00bf60]Skills:[/color][/b] Dodging and Plant Control [/center] [hr][hr] Something was wrong. Stella could see it in the way Andy and Mary were looking and from the way they both rushed over to Niah. She was trying to wrack her brain over what was going wrong when the large eagle swooped in and tried to attack her. She let out a screech and dropped and rolled away from the creature. It was large, ugly, and that beak. It looked curved, sinister and like it was ready to pluck something out. Something in the back of her young mind rang out, something about an eagle that would pluck out something in Greek mythology. The moment for trying to remember Greek mythology was not this moment, as the eagle seemed determined to grab the young girl and drag her into the sky and away from her friends and family. Stella grabbed at the sickle from her mother and focused on the plants around her. They were out in nature again, instead of a moving metal box. She could use her mother's gifts again. She willed them to move, reaching up for the bird and drag him down to the ground. The first connection was weak, some light vines wrapping around and grasping at the eagle and making it so it was tangled, but it wouldn't last. Stella could tell as much. So she gripped the sickle tighter and focused more and the vines and plants ensnared the creature tighter, thorns snagging in to keep it from becoming air bound again.