Byjerlfal City, Commercial district. [@PKMNB0Y] [hr] Heading out of the storage facility, something rather odd would happen soon as he was a few steps away. Richard would be finding himself smacked right in the face by a pokemon. A fletchling, apparently not having been watching where it was going would end up smashing into him, losing its flight path and careening to the ground with a complaining chirp. “Aw! Hey! Stranger! Stop that pokemon will you!” [url=]A young looking man wearing a black jacket and orange cap would stumble after the fletchling that was quickly getting back to its feet, and preparing to take off again.[/url] [hider=Possible Actions] 1. You could either ignore the fletchling and the boy and continue on. Route 1, 2, and 25 are easily accessible 2. Could maybe see what was up with those suited men. 4. The museum is available for visit. 6. The contest hall isn't too far, if you'd want to participate. 7. Random event (Want to bully the GM? Ask him to make a random encounter for you that isn’t any of the above or below. Quality will vary.) [/hider] Byjerlfal City, Museum [@Thayr] Commercial district [hr] Not bothering to reply, Sophie immediately sped off into the museum, excitedly starting to look at the exhibits with her Tyrunt… “...well someone’s excited.” Lilian chuckled, glancing towards Isla. “Hm…well I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to tell you as long as you promise not to touch the artifacts. Most aren’t ready for display yet.” Lilian shrugged. “They’re stored and currently exhibited in a staff-only part of the museum. Should be much quieter and we can talk there, if you want to follow.” “Oh, and make sure you keep an eye on your eevee. These exhibits back here are expensive and I don’t want any pawprints or fur on them.” Supposing Ilsa did follow, Lilian would first lead her up a nearby flight of stairs marked ‘staff only’. Opening a door immediately at the top, the noise and bustle from below was already drowned out by the Museum's thick walls, and as they walked, Lilian started speaking. “First, let me introduce myself properly. Lilian. Archaeologist with the Giervor Society. I was asked to take over a dig after an independent team found some…potentially groundbreaking discoveries. Unfortunately, said team also ended up damaging some of the artifacts with their carelessness.” leading Isla into a room, she’d unlock it and allow them inside. Only the gentle electrical hum of a computer was the only noise here. The room itself seemed to be full of scientific equipment, a few reference materials and notably a long, sterile table where a number of rock fragments were located. Glass cases and a number of drawers sat pulled open and empty. “That’s basically it really. We found a new dig with some old stone writings related to some old myths and stories about how the Eidda region was formed. A…colleague damaged the artifacts and made much of it unreadable, so the Society has stepped in to take over…and forgive me for prying but do you have any historical or archaeological experience?” The damaged artifact in question was laying on the table. The rock fragments had been broken into pieces somehow, it looked like a heavy impact was delivered to the center part of it, breaking it into a number of pieces, though what could exude such a force on an extremely heavy, if weathered stone was up for question. “He says a wild pokemon did it, but well…we found hammer-like tool marks after a preliminary investigation.” [hider=Possible Actions] 1. Leave the Museum. 2. Explore the exhibits. Who knows, you might find something interesting 3. The teacher seems to have lost a student… 4. Maybe Lilian might know where some interesting pokemon are? 5. Random event (Want to bully the GM? Ask him to make a random encounter for you that isn’t any of the above or below. Quality will vary.) [/hider] Byjerlfal City, Commercial District -> Industrial district [@Bartimaeus][@Crusader Lord] Urban Exploration [hr] Upon pushing past the ground and entering the cafe, the duo would be met with a lively scene. Sailors and dock workers from several ships and areas had gathered here, loudly carousing from within doing what one might consider some pretty stereotypical sailor and manly men things. A battle arena had also been setup in the deceptively spacious interior of the cafe, but that wasn’t the main draw currently. No, it was the large screen hanging over it. It was displaying the current Pokeathalon competition going on Johto. Seems most people here were fans of it, understandable really given the crowd - more importantly though, it seemed it was getting ready to open a Pokeathlon branch in Eidda soon, but the city had yet to be determined. As they’d walk in though, they’d be greeted by a cheery, friendly waitress. [url=]“Gooood afternoon people! Welcome to Wailords rest! I’m your server this evening.”[/url] “Wobbuffet!” A salute and a friendly greeting from a Wobbuffet standing next to her echoed her friendly greeting. “Technically, also the only server! And chef! First time here? You don’t look like our usual clientele. We’ve got everything you could want! From hearty fresh sea-food, luscious fresh never frozen greens and I can make you any cake you want! The names Beryl, by the way!” The only other person to note here, was an [url=]Older Gentleman[/url] that Ripley would immediately recognize as the Gym Leader of Riven wall - Tuule. He seemed to be enjoying the Pokeathalon quietly from a small booth near the back. [hider=Possible Actions] 1. Find pokemon (Specify if you’re looking for anything in particular or how you look) 2. Find trainers to battle (There might be a few people here looking to tussle, especially the sailors.) 3. The Resort and Commercial districts can be easily accessed from here. The residentials a bit of a walk. 5. Area Specific: Order some food? 6. Tuule’s here, he might be fun to talk to if you ask him something or have some reason to say hi. He might not be around for much longer, considering hes a gym leader. 7. Random event (Want to bully the GM? Ask him to make a random encounter for you that isn’t any of the above or below. Quality will vary.) [/hider] Camphor’s lab [@Savo][@XxFellsingxX] Lab [hr] “Eh, she only tosses people out that annoy her, ahaha.” Remi responded with a light chuckle. “So maybe don’t be an ass in the first place, huh? And hey, hey no fighting here unless you want the professor to ban us from the lab for life.” He’d say to Aster, heading out the double doors and heading out. The challenge accepted as Nevine would grumble lightly but go on to accept the challenge as well, glancing at Yuu and frowning, clearly not liking Yuu too much as they’d soon find themselves out in front of the lab, just in front of the pond. “Alright! Standard rules here!” Remi said. The field was a flat cement field, no fancy tricks and the like would be doable here, not easily anyways from the terrain. “Ready Nevine?” “No.” She’d sleepily reply, her Slakoth being placed on the floor in front of her. “That’s the spirit.” Remi responded, releasing his own Cottonnee out onto the field. “Neeee~!” “Slaaaa….” “Alright then, lets get this started! Cottonee start off with Fairy wind on that Riolu!” “Mmhm…Slakoth…yawn? On the...Aipom.” The two pokemon immediately…well, Cottonee made to move as Slakoth took much longer than most to even recognize the command it had been given as Cottonee started to whip up mystical wind with its little arms. [hider=Some actions/locations you could go to] 1. You’re outside of Cmaphors lab, but she's definitely not feeling sociable 2. The contest hall is currently holding a master-rank championship contest. Perhaps you could inquire how you could participate yourself. 3. The resort area is famous for its well, resort. Sandy, sunny beaches, amusement park, Casino…and gym. Its often considered the toughest gym in the region. 4. You can get to Route 1, Route 2, and Route 25 from Byjerlfal. Neither of the three routes are particularly dangerous. Frieda mentioned a cave system on Route 2. 5. Perhaps there could be something interesting in the Commercial district or the Industrial district. 6. You also saw a park on the way to the lab. Might be a good place to start, if you really wanted to stay in the city or avoid heading out, for a bit. [/hider] Route 1 [@Pyromania99] [hr] “Oh great. She should be easy to spot even if you were blind. About my height. Bright red hair.” The woman proceeded to place her hands on her chest. “...Big. Oh, also she’s mute. Got into an accident when we were kids so don’t expect her to talk.” A small pause as she’d pull out her phone again. “Saw her last over closer to the Route Twos side. I don’t think she’d go into the Winding wood, but she’s kind of dumb so…and say if she doesn’t come back I’m not making her favorite food.” Unless she had anything else to ask, that was all the information the woman had it seemed. This left Camila off to handle the finding on her own now. Heading into the forest, off the beaten path Camila would head off around the outskirts of Byjyerlfal and the forest, the small talk of the few trainers and fishermen soon falling quiet as she’d now be completely among nature, warm sunlight filtering through the trees above and eventually towards Route 2. As she’d did so, she’d see a few pokemon of route 1 out and about. [hider=Pidgey][center][img][/img] The tiny Camphor on the screen would point at the image of a Pidgey with a laser pointer, not seeming too interested in the pokemon itself. [color=8dc73f][i]”Pidgey, the Tiny Bird pokemon. A docile and friendly flying type pokemon. Often seen in forests and fields. A popular choice for new trainers due to ease of capture and for those exploring unmapped regions due to its impeccable sense of direction for returning home. Often avoids conflicts, rather than fighting.” 500p Gained![/i][/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Deerling][center][img][/img] The tiny Camphor on the screen would change the pointer for a cup of coffee and sitting in a chair. [color=8dc73f][i]”The Season pokemon. A pokemon with a furry coat that changes depending on both the season and climate of where it was raised. Summer-types like this one can be found year round except during winter around Byjerlfal’s forests. Despite its docile and cute appearance, often considered a pest by farmers since it will eat any plant it sees so they employ Lycanrocs to guard their fields.”[/i] 1000p gained![/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Buneary][center][img][/img] The tiny Camphor on the screen now had a pair of rabbit ears on her head. [color=8dc73f][i] Pokemon successfully registered. ”Buneary, The rabbit pokemon. Buneary, the Rabbit Pokemon. A friendly pokemon commonly found in forests. Its ears are surprisingly strong and is often a method which it uses to defend itself and attack with, by rolling them up and uncoiling them with force. Possess extremely good hearing. 500p gained!”[/i][/color][/center][/hider] She could spend some time catching or otherwise interacting with any of these if she so desired, otherwise she could immediately keep up with her search. [hider=If she continued on]Thankfully it wouldn’t be too hard or too much longer to find the person in particular. And well, the woman she had forgotten to get the name of hadn’t been wrong. Big described the woman perfectly. Dressed similarly but in opposite colors than the woman, she was wearing a black jacket with some tight fitting black pants. Sunglasses sat on her nose, her long red colored hair trailed behind her quietly while she was wearing durable looking black pants and some tough boots. She was surrounded by some tough looking fellows in some suits. A handful of pokemon were trapped in some cages behind them. “Who the hell are you?” One asked, not having noticed Camila yet. “...” The woman, of course, didn’t respond, or couldn’t. She merely looked over the gathered men - being about five of them. “This is Lady Keira’s operation here lady, you get lost.” Again, no response for the lady, but Camila could watch one of her fingers twitch in mild irritation it looked like but it didn’t seem she had any pokemon with her. [/hider] [hider=Some actions/locations you could go to] 1. Find pokemon (Specify if you’re looking for anything in particular or how you look) 2. Find trainers to battle (Probably not hard to find other trainers to battle here of varying skill levels) 3. Train pokemon. (Skip the grind, and we get to the result. Tell me how you train and if you just grind wild mon or some other creative training) 4. Move along. (Don’t want to engage with anything and move quickly to the next destination? Go ahead, then. A few events may prevent this.) 5. Random event (Want to bully the GM? Ask him to make a random encounter for you that isn’t any of the above or below. Quality will vary.) 6. Area Specific: There are a handful of fishermen along the river. Perhaps they might have something interesting. You could always head back to Byjerlfal [/hider]