[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230929/a2080ed81b155b32bcbc521c05f55866.png[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] So apparently neither he nor Zell could really ride horses. "James, slow down, you twat!""Shiiiiiiiiit!" [color=df73ff]"HAHAHAHA!"[/color] He really, [i]really[/i] should be more worried or concerned but watching Zell go flying into that parcel just tickled his funny bone in that special way that he just couldn't resist. Which of course meant that was the moment the horse decided it had enough of the belligerent rider and decided to make its best imitation of a bull [color=df73ff]"Omph!"[/color] The result was James getting launched in a manner similar to Zell, the only difference was that one landed on a garden while the other had the unfortunate luck of landing on an active well. [center]-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-[/center] "Ugh!" Rubbing his head Zell stood up, nothing felt broken but he felt a dull ache in his noggin, looking around carefully he noticed the lack of horse, man, and more importantly, Ma-[i]James[/i] was nowhere to be found "James? Where are you mate!?" [color=df73ff]"Over here!"[/color] Zell blinked, the voice sounded close but where exactly was it... that was when his eyes fell into the well. He almost dismissed it instantly before thinking more about it [i]"Surely not..."[/i], making his way he took a look inside. Then bent laughing. In the well was James who by luck more than skill had managed to extend his arms and legs in such a way that it prevented him from falling further into the well, sadly such a position also made it very difficult for him to climb out of it. Suddenly an idea sprung to his head, and with mirth in his voice, he intoned "Oh James of the well, tell me your wisdom" [color=df73ff]"Stop fucking around and get me out of here!"[/color] Still chuckling he started to lower the bucket attached to the top for a quick rescue.