[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UnbEOOT.png[/img][/center] Interaction with [@Ponn] [@Qia] [hr] Quincy's expression shifted to a frown as he attempted to decipher the intention behind Orion's words. Leaning closer to Ennui, he whispered with a curious tone, [color=a187be]"Do you think that was a reference to the Eternal Carnival?"[/color] Ennui wore a sympathetic frown on her face as she listened to Orion's comment and replied, her voice tinged with regret, [color=a2d39c]"It seems more likely that we've left another unfavorable impression."[/color] [color=a187be]"Oh..."[/color] Quincy's smile dimmed as he responded. Ennui placed a reassuring hand on Quincy's shoulder as she watched the situation unfold, her hesitation evident in her expression. She looked toward the town’s defenses namely the Celestial Defenders scouring the skies. The city did seem well defended, was it wise to get involved [color=a2d39c]”Marshal Elara, if I may inquire, is this the first time that Abyssal creatures have attacked Nexustead? Do you believe that your defenders here can handle the situation?”[/color] Elara acknowledged Ennui's cautious query with a solemn nod, appreciating the prudence of her question. [color=gray]"It is not the first time we've faced Abyssal creatures,"[/color] she began, her gaze fixed on the approaching threat. [color=gray]"Nexustead has encountered them in the past, but each encounter is unique, and the strength of the Abyssal horde can vary. We have defended our home successfully in the past, but the situation remains unpredictable."[/color] With a firm tone that conveyed her unwavering determination, she added, [color=gray]"The Celestial Defenders are indeed powerful, but there is strength in numbers and unity. Every additional ally counts. We will stand together and protect Nexustead, no matter the odds."[/color] Quincy leaned forward, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. [color=a187be]"If I may, I have an un-circus-like suggestion."[/color] he mused, [color=a187be]"Perhaps, we could make them go away by offering them a warm and friendly hug."[/color] His words were enunciated with theatrical flair, fully convinced of its brilliance. Ennui sighed. His comment was clearly more circus-like than unlike.