[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]??? — Burning Town[/h3][/center] With the barrage of magical bullets came a slight smirk upon Sanae's face. Despite the fact that the barrage of magical projectiles seemed like something that would be cause for concern, the young woman seemed rather unfazed—especially considering the apparent backup measure that she had from the dragon-woman on the ground. The only problem, though, was maintaining her spell card while dodging. While she could choose to remain stationary, the young woman had no idea how much punishment those odd shields that were appearing in front of her could take. Given that these magic bullets were also being fired with far more lethal intent, that route seemed much more dangerous. "...Well, I think that there's probably enough water by this point," she remarked, finally choosing to end her magical assault in lieu of weaving through the wall of incoming projectiles. Another one of those uncannily powerful arrows spiraled straight towards her head as soon as the dense waves of water began to fade, but another timely shield on part of her protector gave her the leeway here to focus on trying to keep attention away from the others as they began to mount a proper counterattack. "Rayne! Miss dragon lady! Sorry I don't know your name yet, but thanks for the support!" she shouted towards the ground as she seemed to simply through the gaps between the enemy's magic as if they were as wide as canyons. "But I'll be fine if you don't want to focus on protecting me now; I'm actually pretty used to dodging if I'm not stuck in place like that!" Without being restrained by her attack, the young woman pointed towards the cluster of magi in the distance and began to fire streams of ofuda and, possibly more confusingly, frog-shaped bullets towards them. The bullets were no more lethal than those she had been firing before, but given the fact that the frogs seemed to be [i]exploding[/i] upon a newly-formed barrier cast by the mage at the head of the corps, it seemed to be quite apparent that they weren't something to be ignored. With that shift in focus came another arrow from below. This one, however, was not aimed at Sanae as the last few had been, but straight towards Rayne's throat. [@Raineh Daze][@DracoLunaris][hr] The disappearance of the projectiles flooding the skies, too, seemed to herald another shift in the enemy's tactics. While more than a few were still left unconscious, injured, or otherwise dead, the Raven Heralds continued to attempt to simply occupy the spirits that were mowing through their numbers despite their physical augmentations. Or so it would seem. As the girl and her spirit seemed to have their attention focused towards the waves of enemies pressing down onto them, a masked figure seemed to phase into existence behind the girl, his footsteps silent as he seemed to close in towards her with a wickedly curved blade brandished to his side. The space between him and his target seemed to disappear in an instant as he attempted to plunge the weapon into the girl's back, fully assuming that if she was to die, then the beings at her command would follow suit. [@VitaVitaAR][hr] "Wow, you're certainly one heck of a golem, huh? Poor bastard didn't stand a chance. Stand down, you idiots. Or do something useful, like go try and find that stupid kid and his sister; this one's out of your league." The voice of a rather arrogant-sounding young man silenced those who had begun to crowd around to prepare to simply rush the odd green machine, and the crowd soon parted to reveal a blonde man wielding a a glaive that seemed to glow an unnatural purple hue. Unlike his masked and armored cohorts, this man—who seemed to exude an aura of confidence that bordered on hubris—strode forward without any urgency in his movements. "What was his name again...? Ferdiad? Well, whatever; you two, move his corpse out of the way," he continued, waving towards a few of his subordinates as he turned towards the one who had felled him. "I don't want to trip over it." There was a brief pause as the Raven Heralds that hadn't been directed to move seemed to stand by before the man finally spoke again. "...That was an [i]order[/i] I just gave. Go! Forest! Those damn scouts told you where they were, and the number of enemies here clearly doesn't match the report! Do your damned job!" The shout from the blonde man was enough to spur his subordinates into action this time, though, but he himself simply brandished his blade towards the enemy in front of him with a smile. "You know, I was complaining about being sent to some wretched village in the middle of nowhere to look for some child, but if a golem like you is here, this whole trip might be worth it," he said, a slight savage glint in his eyes as he spoke. "No idea who your creator is, but I sure as hell want to meet them. I'd love to have a proper training partner—no, wait, a whole team of golems that actually [i]follow[/i] the orders I give!" he monologued before a slight laugh left his lips. "Right. Time for some fun," he said, the grip on his weapon tightening before the purple aura upon it seemed to flare up. With a flourish, the man brandished his weapon before swinging it through the air and launching a shockwave of energy towards his newfound opponent. [@Lugubrious][hr][hr] [center][h3]??? — Town Outskirts[/h3][/center] "...Oh." There was a bit of disappointment in Alvin's voice that he couldn't really hold back as the three continued making their way through the forest. The boy was acutely aware of how powerless he was—especially compared to the 'heroes' that had been brought here—but even with a majority of them having rushed towards the town to help, the ones that remained here seemed to still give him a sense of confidence—that if one miracle had already happened, then maybe a second one wasn't too much to ask for. "Well, if it's a place to hide, uh... I think there was a cave nearby, somewhere in that direction," he began to say, pointing towards the right of where they were currently headed. "It was really dark, and I always got too scared once it got too dark, but maybe that place might work?" The sound of rustling underbrush and leaves crunched underfoot from all sides, though, immediately caused Alvin to freeze up and look around, unsure of who—or [i]what[/i]—had caused it. The boy's eyes flicked to and fro, trying to find the source of his new anxieties, but unfortunately he found no such answers. The fragments of humanoid silhouettes—and something distinctly [i]less[/i] so—were barely visible past the trees in the distance... For better or worse. [@Drifting Pollen][@EchoWolff]