There was something coming---! White petals flew. There was the sound of metal skittering across her barrier, only just barely having been prevented from plunging into her back. The Witch faded as Lily frantically tossed herself forward, only Silva's power preventing her from falling flat on her face and instead being propelled over the ground. Someone had snuck up on her, and tried to hurt her. Her blue eyes wide as the blade glistened in the fires of the burning village. And then it was caught. The Umbral Knight was there. With the blade far too close to deflect with their sword, they had instead used their only other option. Their hand. The blade stuck through the Umbral Knight's palm, piercing the gauntlet from below. They were wordless as they flung their hand to the side, tearing the weapon from the assassin's grasp and swinging their blade forward, forcing them into a retreat. The sight of the blade buried in the Umbral Knight's palm left Lily trembling, stepping forward and reaching out towards her guardian. "... I'm fine," they replied, levelly. Smoothly, they raised their other hand, pointing their sword towards the assassin. No further words were necessary, for the intent was clear. The assassin would die. [@PKMNB0Y] [hr] Even with their defenses, it was clear the magi were being suppressed. Especially, it seemed, given that their strongest barrier was suddenly gone. The purple-haired figure had disappeared. The white beam of light that was sent hurtling Sanae's way slammed into Saria's barrier, streaming around it and being set screaming into the distant sky. "..." The magic circle at the tip of the black-and-gold staff reduced and faded, the wielder lowering her arm. She was a pale, petite girl, her slim figure clad in a dark robe, her expressionless purple eyes matching the shade of her straight hair. Her blunt bangs hung just above them. Unusually, her pupils appeared to be diamond-shaped as opposed to circular, and she possessed two curling horns. It wasn't only her eyes that were expressionless. When the smallish girl spoke, her soft voice was entirely devoid of inflection as well. "Unusual," she commented, "Large-scale magical attack without lethal intent used in a situation where many lives are at risk. An unfamiliar pattern." She paused for a moment, wordlessly regarding the burning buildings, before refocusing her attentions on Sanae. "The barrier's origin... there." With a flick of her wrist, the floating girl manifested a set of four magic circles in an arc, which tilted downwards and ignited immediately, firing a quartet of lasers towards the dragon-like woman below. "... Is she...? No." The small girl was moving once more, another eight circles appearing in a ring around her. "I will not participate in unneeded destruction. But I will perform my duty." The circles flashed, and another hail of lasers trained on the miko were unleashed. [@Raineh Daze][@PKMNB0Y][@DracoLunaris]