Click click click, the sound of one claw tapping echoes through the mostly empty chamber. Mosaic's spine is curled forward as if thoughts were supposed to climb up its slope into her brain. Her ears twitch constantly at each new little shift in Ohm's rotations, trying to steal extra information from the advisor-machine's apparent mood and attitude. Her eyes roam about the room in the hopes that shadows and flecks of dust or speckled bits of light held answers for her if she could only just perceive them from the right angle. It takes her a long time to do anything else. She scarcely breathes for fear of interrupting the information stream around her. But at long last, she nods. The spell breaks, and her posture relaxes slightly once again. "I'm gonna have to smack a bunch of Ceronian heads together before this is over, I see. I wonder if the smaller ones are any different about this stuff? Guess it doesn't matter. No, I can't just put them all in leadership positions across the ship, that's the same as putting them above everyone else from the start. I don't really want to break them up either, but I [i]could[/i] use their examples for the others. But that doesn't... fuck. This would be so much simpler of Gemini had any interest in being their alpha. But she won't. And I can't ask." She can feel the rings spinning up to argue with her. Even having only been in the same room as Ohm for a few minutes, she can already hear his voice in her head gently admonishing her and working through the problem again as if leading a child to the end of a school problem until she finally gets it right. Her tail flicks in preemptive irritation. "I'll write a list of names. You and I will assign their positions across the ship together, until I am satisfied. But when I gather the ship together to explain everything, I'll ask for volunteers first. This will tell us who's the most interested in helping before they know the rewards for work. Living in Beri, everything was always easier if you could keep the mood up. That's what I'd like to do here. We're building a city here essentially, right? Then the first step is to build one I would want to live in."