[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fsAyQMM.png[/img][/center] Lunella couldn't help but share a small, understanding smile with Orion at his candid assessment of their current predicament. His words resonated with the reality they were facing. She appreciated the whimsical nature of Quincy's antics but recognized that the whimsy had its time and place. [color=DodgerBlue]“You are absolutely right, Orion,”[/color] she replied, her voice sincere and tinged with a sense of gravitas. [color=DodgerBlue]“The whimsy and magic of moonflowers and ethereal dances may be enchanting, but we must meet the Abyssal menace with strength and resolve,”[/color] she added, holding up a fist clenched around her Moonstone Amulet. [color=DodgerBlue]“There is a time for dreams and another for facing the harsher aspects of reality. Quincy has his role, and now, we have ours.”[/color] With this knowledge at the forefront of her mind, Lunella focused herself on the task ahead, ready to confront the darkness with the strength and determination needed to overcome it.