[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230929/a2080ed81b155b32bcbc521c05f55866.png[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] "Instant karma." Zell grinned down at James, choosing to watch him squirm for a moment before lowering the bucket the final foot of the way. "Up you get, then." In the quiet darkness, the neigh of the horse several streets away filled the night air. James was back to chuckling again once he was free of the well, and the two men started off down the street once more. "Ay, bruv," Zell said, hitting his buddy's arm with the back of his hand. "Wanna see this sword's superpower?" He said as he drew the black blade from the sheath on his back. He still hadn't seen the special enchantment himself yet, but he deciced now was as good a time as any to test it out. "Old Gildor Hammerfist says that it can cut through anything... once a day." [color=df73ff]"[i]Anything[/i]?"[/color] James was skeptical. "That's what he said." He went up to streetside statue and looked up at all fifteen feet of it. Then he tapped it twice with the sword to hear the metal-on-stone sound confirming it was solid and uncuttable. He looked back at James briefly to make sure he was watching, then dropped into guard. "Take Vor, Baphomet!" He put all his might into the swing, but perhaps he hadn't needed to, because his sword went through the statue like a hot knife through butter, spinning him around with the momementum of the swing to 180 him back to facing James. He stumbled a step, then stablized, looking quizzically at his friend. "Did it work?" It did. The top half of the statue slowly slid off the bottom half. It was a good job James saw it in time - [color=df73ff]"Shit!"[/color] - as Zell would not have seen his most-certain death coming. The Mexican tackled the Englishman out of the way, both of them falling to the ground as the massive hunk of stone crashed onto the ground where Zell once stood. The noise was loud, prompting dogs to start barking in nearby gardens. James and Zell shared a surprised look, then looked back at the statue. "Fucking hell," Zell exclaimed. "Thanks mate." [color=df73ff]"Don't mention it,"[/color] James returned. ... The rest of the night, for the two mischief makers, consisted of being spotted by and subsequently fleeing from the town guard. Finding themselves at the infamous Thieves' Guild's tavern and casino: The Brass Monkey, where more drinking and gambling was to be had. Zell introducing James to the teardrop-tattoo man known as Devon, who turned out to be a henchman for a local crimelord. James having to aggressively turn away flirtatious advances from lecherous men, sometimes resorting to violence when 'Fuck off' wasn't enough. There was also a spell of vomitting in the yard outside, and more drinking. And later bumping back into the town guard who promptly arrested the pair for Grand Theft Horse and property damage. Zell and James slept in Valhiem's jail until morning, when they paid a fine for their crimes and were released. They came skulking into The Mended Drum, feeling haggard and hungover, and went to bed for a few more hours, vowing to eachother that they'd never speak of the night's events, out loud, in front of anyone. Some things were best just buried in the past.