[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker noticed a peculiar falcon flying around the shooting range. It seemed out of the ordinary as one wouldn’t usually be flying around the city, so close to people, but then it flew down and sat, perched on the branch of a tree. The sheer size of this specimen was a sight to behold. It was a special sight to see. What was even more peculiar was that after the archery session was over, as they walked back together to drop off the kids, the falcon started tracking their movements while soaring the skies. From this point, Barracker wondered if it was Fenna’s falcon as rangers have been known to have companions of nature on their side from time to time. Moments have passed about talking of Eren and Tyrion. Barracker explained that he helps out at an orphanage with the kids and that he checks on the people there from time to time. Barracker and Fenna watched as Tyrion and Eren ran off ahead the rest of the way, where they were met by more than a dozen kids playing around an old elven woman. Tyrion and Eren gave a wave to their friends and gave a hug to the worker there. “Hi mother,” the kids said in sync. “How was it my dears?” she said with a loving warmth in her voice, giving a hug in response. “How did you fare at the archery range? Good, I’m sure." Eren’s nodded, beaming with a smile. Tyrion gave a nod of approval too. Barracker and Fenna were not far behind. They could hear and see the kids with mother Anne. Barracker introduced Fenna to Anne. [Colour=Green]“This is Anne, my mother. A kinder woman there never was. She is Iris incarnate.”[/colour] the two smiled at each other. “You're too sweet.” she waved it off. “And who is this lovely lady?" Before Barracker or Fenna could introduce them, Eren chimed in. “She is Fenna, she killed Aurok the man-eater. How cool is that!?” Anne's eyes beamed open. She was no adventurer but even she knew how impressive that was. Barracker smiled and the kids were raving in excitement towards Fenna. Barracker introduced some of their names, there were so many gathered round, but it was a little girl named Isabella who grabbed her hand and smiled with a grin, teeth showing. “I'm Isabella,” she spoke so proudly, sticking her chest out and pointing to herself. Even the staff gathered round and listened joyfully, noting that Barracker, Eren and Tyrion had returned. Eren turned to face Isabella. “Sorry we didn’t take you with us”. Isabella softly slapped Eren’s arm and screwed up her face at him. “I had to do the cleaning with mother because of you.” It wasn’t Eren’s fault, the kids always had a few chores to do each week as a helping hand was needed to keep the orphanage running smoothly. Barracker knew this all too well. The kids outnumbered the staff ten to one, but this was because of the war creating refugees. Barracker and Fenna stayed for a bit and spoke, but then, some time later, Barracker needed to go. He waved off the kids, gave Isabella and some of the other kids and Mother Anne a hug and said farewell to them all including the staff. As they strolled off, Barracker noticed the Falcon still soaring the sky. He thought to himself that it could be a spy, but shrugged it off for now. He’d wait to see if it still followed and was there later. On the way to ‘The Mended drum’, Barracker started telling Fenna about Cerberus. She had been interested to hear directly from Barracker’s mouth about the troublesome beast that plagued his mind. [Colour=Green]“This beast is fierce. A three headed hound that escaped hell itself,”[/colour] Barracker started. “It killed my mentor, Odis Visigni, a Paladin that taught me the ways of being a monster hunter and was well-respected by ‘The Order’. He was the reason why I opted for being a Paladin.” He half smiled at Fenna, a sad distant look in his eyes. [Colour=Green]“His life was taken by that thing,”[/colour] Barracker didn’t name it this time. [Colour=Green]“It was his assignment. An abandoned village now, but once named Corsica, was the monster's hunting grounds. Odis had warned me not to come on this mission. Strong headed and eager to prove my worth, I had insisted on going with him. So he tricked me into reporting our departure to 'Paladin's Respite,' then left without me. When I arrived, there was nothing but corpses. The villagers had been killed and torn to bits, I could only hope some had gotten away.”[/colour] Barracker shuddered slightly, he shook it off and finished the story of that night. [Colour=Green]“It is because of that night that plagues my mind and rests on my shoulders, that I must to take Cerberus out of existence. Everyday it lives is a curse upon Mytheria.”[/colour] Barracker noticed the spear Fenna was carrying as she mentioned before about fighting Aurok The Man-Eater. [Colour=Green]“I am impressed that you wield both a spear and a bow. That's not an easy feat. You must be gifted.”[/colour] The Falcon was still in flight wherever they walked too. It raised some questions, alone he thought it a good time to ask. [Colour=Green]“Is that your Falcon, flying above us?”[/colour] he hoped the answer would be yes, otherwise his suspicions would rise.