As they walked to the orphanage, Fenna listened to Barracker and the two children pointing out their favourite places, until the ran off. From what Fenna could see, the orphanage was a well-kept place and the children living here were happy. She smiled when she was introduced to Anne, the mother of this place. Fenna waved her hands when she was introduced as the one killing Aurok. "It really was a team effort, I couldn't have done it without my friends," she reminded the children, although she realised it was a futile thing. Hopefully word wouldn't get around too far. The last thing she wanted was to be known as "Fenna, slayer of Aurok". When one of the children introduced herself, she smiled and leaned in a bit. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Isabella.' As the children started talking and playing among each other, the adults had a few moment to themselves. Anne was kind and asked where she was from (far away was all Fenna said) and if she enjoyed the city (a beautiful place). Fenna complimented Anne on the children and how she cared for them, adding that it was sad a place like this was necessary, but the children seemed happy. The conversation turned to motherhood and Fenna was happy to talk about her children for a moment. When it was time to go she walked with Barracker back to the inn and listened to the explanation of Cerberus. It sounded like a dangerous beast. Would it be in the same classification of Aurok? She was careful not to make any promises. It wasn't that she didn't want to help Barracker, but could they? And where even was Corsica? She did express her compassion about losing his mentor and how awful it was so many people had died already. "To be honest," Fenna said after Barracker called her gifted. "I had not fired my bow before today. I haven't used it in combat, I only used my spear." Again she realised how odd it was she could fight with it, even though she had never wielded one before. "I guess I prefer close combat, or, well, semi-close. Spear-lenght." The moment Barracker mentioned the falcon she looked up. "Oh yes, that is Sil. She... I don't know exactly how it happened, but something clicked and now we hang together." She smiled as she talked about it, as she always did when she mentioned the falcon. It was nice having her around. Once inside the inn, Fenna turned to Barracker. "It was nice talking with you and seeing the orphanage. I look forward to working with you." After that she told him and any of her companions who were still in the common area that she'd return to her room, and she asked the bartender to have a meal brought to her room. The only thing she had planned was to wash up and have a final shower before leaving on their next mission the next day. She wished them all a pleasant evening and went to her room.