Fuck, it's been. It's been. The fact that she can't remember how long it's been is probably a bad sign of how long it's been. Because on the one hand, it's like. Sure, she's had time? Right? Part of the perks of being an Azura is that the system is, you know, designed around making sure you don't notice how much time goes into making sure you have time? To the point that once you notice it, it's, wow, it's a lot, and how didn't you notice that before? Actually a lot of things are like that, now that she thinks about it? It's the point is that you're not supposed to see it. It's supposed to be a background radiation of heinous shit, invisible in its omnipresence. Like, not wrong? Not wrong at all, in that even now, even this far from home, this far from everything, she still carries home with her likeā€¦ Like an anchor? Except the anchor is actually everywhere because it's in her head and-- But also she's spent the past few months learning that you can't [i]not[/i] plan? Not planning is a good way to get yourself taken over by Pix, or for you to find out that whoops, these two species aren't compatible and are crafting their own civilization out of bones? Honestly, not sure what she expected. 'S illuminating, innit, but there's a reason that Dionysus isn't the god of kingship. There's gotta be an in between. She's just gotta find out what it is, or, you know, failing that, make it.