[center][h1][color=ed145b]Joker[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=f7941d]Forest, Unknown[/color][/h2][/center] [i]His eyes drifted to the treeline as he accepted the young girl, she was heavier than he had originally thought... or maybe Anne just made it look easy. He looked at Anne, a bit of uncertanty blended with a burning need to do something in his situation.[/i] [color=ed145b]"Okay. Are you sure you won't need any help? I can provide you with some kind of support."[/color] [i]His hands now occupied, using weapons was out of the question. If he were to provide support, he would need to rely mainly on Arsene, which wasnt really a problem unless he got too worn out. As for the matter of getting to the cave unnoticed, that would be a rather simple task, just like in the Palaces that he was used to. Or so he hoped.[/i]