It had been a nice morning for Adam Phillips. Waking up on his own was a nice change from the day before, and he was inadvertently much more prepared for the mission than he expected to be. Not using any of his supplies had a way of doing that. And he felt great! Ironic, considering he had fought a literal bear the day before. Did Zell and James appear more worn out than usual? That would be even more ironic if so, since neither of them probably battled any beasts yesterday.  The Druid decided not to pry beyond a simple “how are you?” for each of them though unless they decided to explore the topic themselves, instead focusing his energies on ensuring the group would be safe on their journey to Cherrad. This walk would [b]not[/b] end up like their last one, not if he had anything to say about it. Looking at his map what felt like a dozen times to ensure the very best route and keeping a constant eye on their surroundings to ensure there wasn't any danger… In the end, these preparations ended up being completely pointless as Second Chance made it close to their destination without so much as a scratch. There was even time for pleasant conversation with his teammates. Nothing at all like the Hillocks. Still, when threats to life were possible, it was better to be prepared and not need it than the reverse. It was a shame Joji seemed to disappear after surviving that, but Adam felt a man who could do that could deal with whatever Mytheria could throw his way and that he would be alright. Speaking of conversation, Adam noticed someone approaching, so he took the time to listen to what this stranger had to say. [b]"Afternoon there, adventurers," he greeted, tipping his hat.  "You ain't, per chance, on business in the area, are you?"  He pointed back the way he came.  "The village of Cherrad's up yonder way.  They're in dire straits, right now, what with Hades' Temple gone rogue 'nd all.  They've been waiting for the Adventurer's Guild to send some help about that.”[/b] “Yes sir, we're Second Chance, and we took the job from the Guild. I'm Adam, it's nice to meet you. It's too bad what's happened there. Is there anything we should know about the temple so we aren't caught off guard? We're not from here so any help would be appreciated.” Best not to make too many assumptions about the place of worship of a faith he knew nothing about. On Earth, Hades was mainly relevant to him as a game Eric played (and would not stop talking about for a week), not the cause of trouble for innocent people.