[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]??? — Burning Town[/h3][/center] With the approach of the apparent head of the mages came a shift in Sanae's method of attack as well. While the frogs worked perfectly fine when it came to clearing out huge swaths of enemies, focusing one person out was a different story. In other words, it was time for a bit more focus. While her rapid-fire streams of ofuda continued en masse, the exploding amphibian-shaped projectiles were replaced by ones that looked like snakes. Instead of exploding on impact, though, these projectiles seems to suddenly shift direction the second that they were in line with any enemy they barreled towards. They weren't explicitly homing, per se—that was and had always been Reimu's schtick, after all—but the speed and force at which they barreled towards their targets more than made up for that lack of perfect tracking. The appearance of a massive laser crashing into one of Saria's shields, though, caused Sanae to pull backwards by instinct. Lasers were fairly common in danmaku battles, of course, so it was less their presence that shocked her and moreso how much of a change of pace they were from the comparatively slow projectiles she had to dodge until then they were. "I don't know about you not participating," Sanae quipped back as she shifted herself to the side to allow the lasers to barely graze past her body, "because I'm pretty sure that lasers that strong cause a [i]lot[/i] of collateral. Speaking from experience, of course." The less to be said of Marisa's Master Spark, the better. [@Raineh Daze][@VitaVitaAR][hr] With their position now exposed, the sniper wasted no time in trying to create more distance between themselves and their target. Being charged at was in and of itself an issue—ideally the situation would have been resolved well before the enemy had any time to ascertain where they were or had any chance to close in to begin with—but at this point there was nothing else to be done but try to deal with it as best they could. In this case, that meant diving out of the way and back behind cover as the being in front of him began to fire away. "Semi-instantaneous movement, shield, projectiles... Annoying, but probably less so than that green one," the figure muttered under their breath as they peeked out from behind cover every few seconds or so in an attempt to wait for the initial suppressive fire to time out. Once the barrage seemed to relax (if even momentarily), though, they sprang out and fired a few more arrows from a shortbow before breaking into a sprint. A few more arrows were let loose as the archer tried to force their opponent to maintain focus upon their frontal assault, but the last among them seemed a bit... Different. With their opponent's vision obscured by the shield in front of them, the sniper took the chance to aim this arrow, head glowing a faint white-green, towards the sky. Another, glowing a deeper shade of green, was aimed below beneath their target. The first arrow seemed to explode at the apex of it's arc, letting loose an incredibly loud explosion of light; the latter instead seemed to sprout into a quickly growing, writhing mass of vines surrounding a flower that looked eerily reminiscent of an eye with black sclera. Before long, the plant would attempt to lash out at the nearest being—namely, in other words, the one situated above it—and attempt to bind it in place. All the while, the sniper began to move around in an attempt to land a follow-up shot—hopefully one that would lead to a more decisive result. [@DracoLunaris][hr] If the assassin was shaken by the sudden appearance of the girl's savior, no sign of it would be seen on their face. Not that much [i]could[/i] be seen to begin with, given the apparent mask covering the lower half of their face. Regardless of what they thought, though, it was quite apparent that despite everything going "right" that the attempt on the girl's life had failed—and rather spectacularly at that. But while the option to simply flee was on the table, another attempt would have an even lower chance of success now that she was on guard. It was rather unfortunate, but that meant that the only choice they had left was to die trying. Failures like these could only be rectified as such. After making clear distance from the girl and her summon, the assassin pulled down their mask and seemed to slip something into their mouth before attempting to close the distance once more. Once they drew close enough, though, they would quickly attempt to feint an attack forward before releasing what it was they had prepared moments prior—a poisonous mist that promptly billowed out of their mouth in an attempt to cover the area. The goal was never to stay in the fight for too long, of course; ducking in and out of the fray of combat and wearing the enemy down until they could try and land a lucky hit in seemed like the only course of action against an opponent like this. [@VitaVitaAR][hr] "I guess that's what they call golems overseas, huh? But no memory of a maker... That's a damn shame," the blonde man sighed, shaking his head as he watched to see how his opponent would react to the wave of energy he had just loosed. "Oh well. Guess dragging your remains to the magicians to study will have to do." Of course, when the "toa" blocked his attack, the glaivier couldn't help but feel a little bit surprised. That surprise was only compounded as the hulking humanoid leaped far beyond what would have been possible of something of that size. That only seemed to excite him more, though. "Haha! All right, if that's the sort of game you're going to play, then I'll take you head on!" he shouted back, weapon ready to clash with his opponent's own. The blast of air that preceded the strike pushed him momentarily off balance, however, and the strike that followed forced the blonde man to block the attack somewhat awkwardly. Using the ground as leverage was doing him no favors, but at the very least it wouldn't mean that he would fall to a simple trick like that. "Not bad, not bad!" he called out, using both arms to brace himself against his weapon as he attempted to push Lewa back or the weapon to the side to create an opportunity for a counterattack. "But I'm not going to fall over that easily!" [@Lugubrious][hr] [center][h3]??? — Town Outskirts[/h3][/center] Though shaken by Anne's shift in demeanor, Alvin paused for a moment before swallowing and nodding. Leading everyone to the location wouldn't be difficult, but doing so while treading carefully and while on edge was doing him no favors. Every time the shadows changed or he heard something shift, the boy would pause for a moment before continuing. And by some stroke of luck, the group would make it to the cave without issue. Glimpses past the underbrush en route would make it clear that their suspicions were warranted; soldiers wearing the same sort of garb of those that had been present during the attack on the church seemed to be combing through the area in search of... Well, them. "This is the place..." the boy trailed off before the sound of metal meeting stone caught his attention. Slowly, from within the cavern came a young woman, her armor that same shade of purple as those that the Raven Heralds donned. At her sides were a pair of swords, and though neither was drawn it would be foolish to assume that she wouldn't try to strike back. But rather than immediately call out for backup or attack, the woman simply came to a stop and stared at the newcomers. Her gaze passed over the group—the woman ready for combat, the boy mustering all of his strength to stay standing, and the young man holding an unconscious girl—before she spoke her piece. "...I suppose I've the fortune—or possibly misfortune—of finding you," she said, glancing for a moment towards the cave behind her before placing one hand onto the hilt of one of those sheathed blades. "I'm only here for that girl, though; the other Heralds under Varst might be bloodthirsty brutes, but I'm not keen on needless bloodshed. If you hand her over, we can simply move on with our lives. Given your injuries, that seems like an enticing offer, no?" At this, Alvin seemed to realize what it was that was happening and turned to the others before shaking his head from side to side in a panic. Though words seemed to be failing him, gestures alone seemed to convey what it was that he was feeling. "Well, regardless of if you want to accept or not, the sound of fighting will inevitably draw others here. I'm in no rush, but I would recommend you weigh your options here before someone less open to negotiations arrives." [@Drifting Pollen][@EchoWolff]