"I do not cause collateral damage." It was in that same monotone that the girl delivered her response to Sanae. However, there may have been some barely perceptible force in her voice, now. Perhaps the mage did not like the assertion that she could be so careless. Whatever the case, her expression didn't change when the snakelike magical projectiles twisted around her. "Nonlethal does not mean ineffective," she commented, flatly. As she did, she raised her staff, momentarily ceasing her attack to instead cast a defensive spell, constructing a multidirectional barrier of complex, interlaced mana in the form of circles similar to those from which her lasers originated. Sanae's danmaku washed over the barriers. "Divinity?" she questioned, tilting her head, "Inconclusive. Complex serpent patterns. Is the appearance a-" Her externalized train of thought was interrupted when a hole was blown through her barriers by the hurtling chunk of sharp white rock from below. "Ah-" Blood. It hadn't been a direct hit. The horned mage girl had twisted her body, but the tip had managed to catch her at her waist, tearing her clothing and cutting into her side. And yet, her expression didn't change, even as she placed her free hand to her wound. "... A mistake. I anticipated only magical projectiles," she commented, drifting back as her barriers crumbled, "A projection? No mana was detected. What kind of technique..." If anything, she seemed far more concerned with understanding what Saria did then her new injury. "... Further observation is required." This time, it was at least a dozen circles of light that appeared in the air behind the small, purple haired girl. With a flick of her staff, they rained down, targetting both Sanae and Saria. Had anyone paid attention, they would perhaps note that the beams curved away from any intact buildings or living villagers. It was difficult to tell if this was simply how her spell targeted her enemies or if it was because she was consciously avoiding collateral damage, however. What would be evident is that these beams of magical energy seemed denser, as if perhaps she was attempting to test how sturdy Saria's shields were. [@Raineh Daze][@PKMNB0Y] [hr] Lily skipped back as the Umbral Knight moved forward, blade raised. But unfortunately, her attacker had already moved out of range. She could already tell her friends with long-ranging abilities would be the best at trying to stop them. No sooner then she had realized that, however, was the masked figure already moving in again. "Lily, cover your mouth and nose!" shouted the Umbral Knight. Without thinking about it, Lily slapped her hands over her face. It wasn't a moment too soon. Moments later, a vile, sickly purple-green mist issued forth from the assassin's mouth. Lily didn't need any assistance to understand what this was. Poison. She'd seen plenty of poison in Land's End. For that matter, she's seen plenty that worked just like this: A mist that billowed over an area and began wearing down anyone who stepped into it. It was a spell used by some of the corrupted mages she'd encountered. It had covered a wide enough area that Lily wasn't sure how to get away quickly. And on top of that, anyone nearby could be in danger--- Ah! She had a way to deal with this! Holding her breath, Lily called forth another of her friends. She had the shape of a tall woman, but her body seemed to be choked by(and possibly composed partly of) twisted and gnarled plant matter. As she raised her arms, a twisted, swirling wind rose with her, tinted red and cutting like razors, but also drawing the poison upwards and inwards, collecting it and condensing it to keep it from spreading further. No sooner then the whirlwind had formed then the Witch reappeared, replacing the Umbral Knight and letting forth another hail of dark magical energy orbs at Lily's attacker. [@PKMNB0Y]