[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker slept well, for once. Even though he didn’t need as much sleep as he did before being turned, every few days, the restless nights would catch up with him and he would be out like a log. Yesterday had been pleasant, spending the day with Fenna and the kids brought back memories of when Evelyne was in town. He had missed her presence and when he awoke, decided to pen a letter to her this morning. For some privacy, he went and sat under a tree outside ‘The Mended Drum’ and used the back of his ‘Bestiary’ book as a flat surface to write on. As always the time flew but not much appeared on the paper. Eventually he managed to write a few short paragraphs about his recent goings on and some pleasant words about herself. Once done, he had breakfast and fetched his belongings, along with the spectre oil, from the ‘The Temple Of The Quinity’ and armed himself up in his gear. It was a relief to put a face to the final member of ‘Second Chance’ and have all introductions out the way. Lillianna seemed very nice and he told her that having a pure wizard in the party would be very valuable on this mission, and he explained to all the group the ghostly nature of the enemies they would be facing. [Colour=Green]“These enemies are vulnerable to elemental damage but regular weapons will not touch them,”[/colour] the paladin told them all. [Colour=Green]“Unfortunately, there will likely be some innocent people who have had their minds enslaved by the wraith and stand in our way. We will have to spill blood. I know its hard but harden your hearts, because any hesitation will end in your death.”[/colour] Even after years of monster hunting it still pained him to talk so blase about taking lives. It was no easy task. Barracker turned to Fenna and handed her a vial. [Colour=Green]“This is spectre oil, it will allow you to hit the ethereal enemies in the temple. I‘m afraid this was all I was able to make. There will be enough to coat the tip of your spear a few times.”[/colour] He spoke to the others. [Colour=Green]“For those of you, who do not possess elemental magic, take care to avoid direct engagement with the spirits.”[/colour] He really wished he could have given some oil to Mackensie and Zell, but spreading the oil too thin could lead to disaster. Barracker walked and spoke with Adam on the way towards ‘The Temple of Hades’. On their way a traveller stopped and spoke to the group. "Afternoon there, adventurers," he greeted, tipping his hat. "You ain't, per chance, on business in the area, are you?" [Colour=Green]“We are,”[/colour] Barracker confirmed. He pointed back the way he came. "The village of Cherrad's up yonder way. They're in dire straits, right now, what with Hades' Temple gone rogue 'nd all. They've been waiting for the Adventurer's Guild to send some help about that.” Barracker was silent while waiting for the traveller to respond to Adam's question. But he did know quite a bit himself about how temples of Hades were usually laid out. He would wait until they were outside the temple before relaying that information.