[center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Crusader Lord][@Zapdos][@Jay009][/center] The wagon driver was caught between a mixture of relief at Barracker confirming that they were indeed adventurers come to deal with the Temple of Hades, but also wariness at the sight of the vampire. The paladin was positively terrifying to look at. "Information? Hmmm," he thought about Adam's question, his eyes searching the party as he did so. "Well, s'gotta be at least twenty cult members up in that temple, to be sure. A small army, it must feel like. They've got weapons, magic and they're not afraid to come out and use 'em on the neigbouring villages." As he looked at Barracker again, he was suddenly reminded of something that might be useful. "Actually... there is something you ought'a know. The village of Wensleydale, a couple'a miles on other side o' Temple Hill: A man came to the village, last week, looking for help to rescue some injured folk who'd escaped the cult and were at the bottom of Temple Hill in need of some aid and escort. Wensleydale sent ten of their men with the man to go and get the escapee 'nd bring them back to safety. Only, it turned out t'was a trap. The man was actually a cultist who was luring in unsuspecting villagers for recruitment. One villager managed to get away but told that the rest were beaten and taken prisoner." The wagon driver shook his head. "It'll give a man nightmares wondering how they manage to brainwash innocent people. Be careful adventurers. This cult is not above using deception in it's evil workings." The wagon driver wished them luck and took his leave, continuing down the road on course for Valhiem. The party were left to their own thoughts, with the small village of Cherrad a short walk away on their route to Temple Hill.