[Sub].:⋮[Looking Left, While looking Right]⋮:.[/Sub]

[color=9e0039][u][b]“Yet I always seem to be the last to know that you’re back.”[/b][/u][/color] Penny would mutter bitterly to herself as Chloe turned to leave. For all the girl’s talk, and flowery reassurances, her action were deafening in comparison.

[color=9e0039][u][b]”Either of those options are fine by me, I can also assist with protection from more mundane means where ever it is we end up as well.[/b][/u][/color] She would speak on the topic of the next location. “As for late arrivals, we are on a time limit as it is, I’m not sure if we can host this somewhere easy for them to make it at this point. We can easily spread the word of what happened later of if needed.”

Part of her was tempted to offer up Cradle’s HQ as well, seeing as where ever it was they had hidden themselves seemed to be decent enough considering that it had kept them hidden from the Mint so far, which meant is had top notch security in that regard. But honestly she doubted that they would be willing to open their doors.

As she touched down, where ever it was she had teleported away too, Chloe’s phone would chime out an incoming text


If you bring me, signed and notarized paperwork stating and confirming the nullification of all Debt for Everyone living withing Sanctuary’s boundaries for the past three weeks, up to and including today.

I’ll be willing to come to the negotiating table in regards to Contract terms for Mint presence in Penrose.

This annulment is not, and will not, be considered as part of the contract at large if you choose to comply. It is simply for you and Al to prove your good will.

I will give you three days to make a decision.

Queen Asimov The Builder.