[h3][Center]Ernesto[/Center][/h3] Ernesto was excited as they closed in to their objective,the boat they were on making a racket as they steadily moved along the river. He couldn’t help it, it was his first actual mission, and a dangerous one at that. Infiltrate the Dam and rescue the PoWs so that they could airstrike it to their heart's content, it seemed like something straight out of a movie. Looking at the defenses, he could already feel his blood boiling at the prospect of charging against the guards head on, and engaging in a life or death battle.Not even the uniform they gave him, that still felt one size too small, could dampen his anticipation. His excitement quickly evaporated when he saw his comrades tense up as a PLA boat came close, or when they found themselves blocked by a chain of all things, and Myron had to frantically respond to the guards so that they could be let pass after a…[i]bribe[/i]. [i]‘Right’[/i],Ernesto Thought [i]‘Important mission, everyone is risking a lot and they don’t see things like I do’.[/i] With that revelation, he focused, hunching himself a bit now that they were in a better-lit area, so as to seem smaller to any wandering eyes, as his own scanned his surroundings, looking over the PLA forces. While he thought that he himself could take them, that wasn’t accounting for his own squishy team, or any enemy Arm Masters that are sure to be here. [i]‘Winging it is probably a bad idea,isn’t it?[/i]’, their disguise wouldn’t hold up to intense scrutiny, and if they tried to fight now, they'd get bogged down. Unless they wanted to fight through all of the PLA [i]‘which,as nice as that sounds, we don’t’[/i], They probably needed a plan. As they reached yet [i]another[/i] Chain blocking the river, Ernesto spoke up. “Hey,err,Sirs?"He remembered to add,even as he felt strange saying it to such younger people than him "I don't know how long we can keep this up. Sooner or later they're gonna find out we are just impersonators.” Especially since security seemed to ramp up even higher the closer they got to the Dam “If we go into action or we are found out, do we have a plan on how to proceed?”