[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] He managed an extra hour of sleep after getting back from the jailhouse, and woke up with a groan. The sunlight made him squint, already hurting his eyes and he'd not even opened them yet. His head was banging, he was dehydrated as hell and his guts felt like they were tied in knots. He stayed lying there with an arm covering his face for a few minutes, feeling sorry for himself. Then he started chuckling. Then outright laughing. "...Fell down the fucking well, haha." Last night had been one for the books. As a montage of moments moved through his mind, he decided that how he was feeling, right now, was all absolutely worth it. Looking James in the eye without laughing was going to be difficult today. Talk about 'full of surprises.' Here was a guy who, when you get past his unapproachable grimace, was actually a good-hearted dude. Smart. Caring. Died trying to save someone from a burning building, for Christ's sake. But Hoe. Lee. Shit, was he ready to roll around in the mud if you gave him the chance. Picked up a chair as soon as he saw his friend in trouble. Chopped it up with those goons at The Brass Monkey. Stole a fucking horse! James was officially 'The Best.' But the award ceremony would have to wait, because there were more important matters at hand. "Alright Zell," he said aloud to himself. "Game day." And just like that, his hangover was promptly ignored. He sat up, dug the heels of his palms in his eyes, then with an unnecessarily loud strain, stretched his arms. He went to the bathroom and drank a litre of water straight from the tap, then went back into his room and banged out a tonne of press-ups and sit-ups, having to use his imagination in place of loud music. After a shower, he armoured up, then went downstairs and got himself a big breakfast that he ate while chatting with some of the others. "Alright, doll," he greeted MacKensie, at one point during the morning. Zell quirked an eyebrow when she acted strangely, all-but blanking him and making herself scarce. Strange. He did a poor job of holding back a grin when he greeted James, giving him a nod and a knowing look. Of course, he remembered that they'd made an agreement that last night stayed just between them. That didn't mean he couldn't be a fool though. "Can I get another cup of tea, Frederick, please mate? My throat's a bit [Colour=Red][b]hoarse[/b][/colour]." "[Colour=Red][b]Well[/b][/colour], I..." "[Colour=Red][b]Well[/b][/colour], now that you mention it..." Later in the morning, when things got a little more serious and Barracker gave some advice about the upcoming mission, Zell nodded his understanding. Killing actual people instead of monsters, definitely had a sour ring to it, but Zell would do what was required, in order to ensure the safety of his teammates. As for the ghost enemies; Zell was one of the ones who didn't possess any elemental magic, but he trusted the others to have his back in that regard. He was not perturbed. As had quickly become a habit when travelling, Zell took the lone rearguard position. Even though they travelled on the man-made roads of civilisation this time, he still kept his awareness on the surround, ready to jump into a front-line position should any trouble arise. He was happy to note that Adam was back to normal again after seeing him converse with Barracker and even squeezing some potentially valuable information out of the wagon driver who'd stopped to chat. Being at the back alone had given him the chance to assess his friends the way he'd survey his team before a football match. Their demeanours. Their countenance. Their energy. It was a team-captain's job to make sure his troops were ready on match-day. He was no longer a team-captain of anything, but old habits die hard. Everything seemed well, aside from MacKensie acting weird earlier. It was probably nothing but he decided he would eventually say something, just in case. He walked up front as the wagon driver left them on the road. "Looks like the cult like to play dirty," he said, patting Barracker on the back as he passed him (for no reason other than the vampire happened to be within reach.) Zell turned to face everyone who was stood around. "We should be careful. If the enemy is pulling off charades like that, then we shouldn't put it past them to have double-agents all around the local area. Be wary of anyone in Cherrad who is being a little too helpful." [color=df73ff]"Here, a little extra something in case you ever need it."[/color] When James handed out the spare knives, "Cheers boss," Zell came up alongside MacKensie to recieve his. He tested how the scabbard fit in his right boot and it was pretty snug, so he took off his boot and tied the scabbard to his ankle, then put his boot back on. Then he turned his gaze onto his french buddy and lowered his voice. "If something's bothering you, you'll only make it worse by overthinking." He grinned. "I need you at your best so you can save my dumb ass when I inevitably do something insane, okay?" As he walked away, his eyes went skyward and he wondered about Sil the falcon. Once the party was moving again, Zell checked in with Fenna. "Hey, Fenna mate?" he began, steering himself alongside her. "You know when you were saying about your magical connection with Sil... can you communicate at all with her? Like, is there any chance she could possibly sniff out an ambush and warn us...? Anything like that?"