Morning came and Fenna woke up. Today was the day they would start their assignment. Or quest perhaps? Regardless of how it was called, they had to complete their contract and hopefully get some answers. She got dressed and packed her bag before going downstairs for a breakfast and to meet up with the rest of the party. By the time the group had gathered, Fenna noticed Joji was missing. She asked if anyone had seen him, but no one knew his whereabouts. She turned to the innkeeper and asked him that if Joji would come, he would inform their party member they had left to deal with the contract, and included a physical description. When Barracker gave an explanation of what they could expect she listened intently. Spill innocent blood? Fenna wasn't sure she could, but maybe she'd feel different after being attacked by those cultists. She accepted the vial of spectre oil and put it away safely. "Thank you, I'll make good use of it," she told him. It was obvious the citizens were used to leaving parties, as they barely got any attention. A greeting from another party going in a different direction, a salute from a guard. A knot of tension formed in her stomach. They were really doing this now, the gold contract. It should be doable, she reminded herself. They had fought their way through the Mazy Hillocks and survived, a feat that surprised the people who knew about party and monster classifications. A cold contract should be easier than dealing with Aurok, and they had an experienced adventurer with them this time. She continued to remind herself of this until MacKensie spoke up. "It is," Fenna agreed. Even though there was some stress involved with actually going there, the looming task had made sure she hadn't been able to completely relax. All she had done was distract herself and pass the time until the day finally came. And her fellow ranger made a good point, sitting still and doing nothing for a long time would make it more difficult to get into it again. "I agree. Even though rest is needed, too much isn't good. I do look forward to getting this contract over with and returning to the city." They stopped when a man on a wagon greeted them and she returned the greeting. For the most part she listened to the conversation that followed and she accepted the blade in the scabberd from James as she thought about what was said. Brainwashed cultists, an evil cult. There was a good reason this was a gold contract of course. She caught what Zell said to MacKensie and it was good advice and maybe she'd have a talk with her to try and determine what was bothering her, but not yet. That should be a more private conversation. When Zell addressed her she faced him. "Sil understood what needed to happen with the cube when I threw it in the air," she said in response to his question. "And she understood when I wanted some company. I'm certain she'll warn us when she sees something she perceives as danger, but I don't think she can understand complex orders. At least not yet. We do have an emotional bond, which is why she was able to fight with us against Aurok, which was strange behaviour for a bird of prey. I did spend time getting to understand her and our bond in Valheim, but I haven't tried giving commands yet. I suppose it's possible though, I just need to work out how exactly."