Adam listened to the wagon driver's response, reminded of what Barracker had told everyone as the non-vampire described the cult’s wicked ways. [Colour=Green]“Unfortunately, there will likely be some innocent people who have had their minds enslaved by the wraith and stand in our way.  We will have to spill blood.  I know its hard but harden your hearts, because any hesitation will end in your death.”[/colour] This was not the same as killing an ogre or water ninja who wanted good men dead, not at all. And that fact kept the Druid deep in thought as he thanked the wagon driver for the information and James for the knife after offering his sympathies regarding the villagers.  This was not going to be easy, and the swordsman probably had the right idea, which Adam acknowledged by nodding when he said it. The red-eyed man wanted to try saving who he could. Wanted to ask Barracker if some roots could be grown to trap the brainwashed instead of killing them. But he didn't need to be James to know that strategically, that wasn't a good idea. These cultists could pretend to be submitted by the plant magic, then strike when they were least prepared for it. Or become a hostage that the enemy could exploit. Not only would this prevent them from succeeding in the mission and learning what was in those letters, it would leave the enemies free to hurt more innocent people. And that left the right course of action plain as day, though the Druid did sigh and shake his head before speaking. “Zell is right. I'd like to trust everyone and even help anyone who is brainwashed, but if we fall for anything it jeopardizes our chances of success, and then nobody is safe.” Adam wasn't happy about it, but he was resolute. He looked at the members of Second Chance, at least secure in the knowledge that they would be going through this ordeal together. Fenna and Lillianna seemed to have doubts based on their expressions, not that he blamed them. He would be sure to help them in this regard if it was needed. Barracker was ready for this, no doubt aided by his experience with adventuring. Zell was being himself. And MacKensie was a little off this morning; he hoped she was alright, and made a mental note to talk with her later. But the one who the fisherman had his attention towards now was their Cleric, their leader and strategist, and it was the latter that the team needed now. “James, how should we proceed?”