[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fY6WLRa.png[/img][hr][/center][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KKTFoEP.jpg[/img][hr][sup][i]"Magic has a way of [b]finding[/b] itself to people."[/i] ____________________________________[/sup][/center][color=2e2c2c]..................................................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][sup][i]"Open your mind, heart, body, and[b] soul[/b] to the universe..."[/i] ____________________________________[/sup] Out there exists a threshold, an invisible line showing what's possible and impossible. Crossing that threshold is easy for certain people with a specific trait or predisposition, but sometimes, it's not something they do on their own. Sometimes, they get pushed across it, and when they get to the other side, they discover that nothing short of [b]Magic[/b] is real. The magic in this world is fueled by human emotion, beliefs, and personality, and individuals can gain magical abilities reflecting themselves. Many different types of these beings exist, but they are under one collective term: [b]The Paranormal.[/b] The world of the Paranormal is the gateway to [i]infinite[/i] possibilities, stories, and adventures, as it follows these people as they navigate this strange world. The umbrella term for these abilities is known as [b]Paranormal-Abilities;[/b] the most basic of these abilities is a theoretical opening of the "third eye." The Paranormal are the only ones that can perceive magical abilities in action, as those without them can only see the effects. The story's namesake ability is known as a [b]Recollection[/b], a flashback where the person experiencing it can see what happened during it as if they were there. All Paranormal-Beings are unconsciously drawn to each other and Paranormal situations, whether they like it or not. Or, the Paranormal will come to [i]them[/i], and it’s suspected that people with certain traits are led to such situations. With Recollections, a person can experience the memories and adventures of other people and gain information on events they weren't present at. It's hard to tell what triggers a Recollection, as some people may experience it in their sleep or when interacting with a certain person, place, or thing that is relevant to them or their goals. Those with a sufficient understanding of magic can show other people a Recollection.[/cell][/row][center][hider=Breton - Plastic Boxes][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPDqbQAoAl8[/youtube][/hider][hr][/center][/table][indent]However, each Paranormal being has a personal ability known as an [b]Abstraction[/b]. An abstraction is an ability that is unique to them and is determined by the type of Paranormal being they are. No two abstractions are the same; one person can cast away their abstraction for another. Abstractions are linked to a person's soul and are impossible to nullify, or [i]no[/i] abstraction exists that negates or removes another except for one specific case. Paranormal beings can only have one abstraction at a time, even if they appear to have several different abstractions - it simply sub-abilities under one larger abstraction. The Paranormal is innately protected from each other by an invisible barrier known as an [b]Emotional-Field[/b], which acts as a natural limiter preventing Paranormal beings from using their abstractions [i]directly[/i] on each other. [i]Every[/i] Paranormal-Being, except for some rare cases, possesses an Emotional-Field. For example, a pryomancer cannot boil someone’s blood, a telekinetic cannot tear someone’s heart out, and a mind controller cannot work on a Paranormal. Abstractions such as Telepathy and Healing are not typically restricted. An Emotional-Field can have its properties altered by certain abstractions, for example, Lessening magical damage, removing someone’s Emotional-Field, etc. Emotional-Fields inhibit all offensive (and certain Abstractions like mind control and stopping time) Abstractions; however, certain offensive abstractions can[i] bypass[/i] it completely (these abstractions are rare, however). Individuals who do not have an Abstraction or Emotional-Field are known as [b]Blind[/b] and cannot comprehend or interact with magic in any way. [i]However,[/i] those who have been exposed to magic in the past will gain the ability to perceive magic known as [b]One-Eye-Open.[/b] These individuals lack an Emotional-Field or an Abstraction and are as susceptible to magic as the Blind.[/indent][hider=Paranormal Beings][table][row][cell][color=black][h1][b]ADEPTS[/b][/h1][/color][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2htRemy.jpg[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][i]"Transcend the [b]limitations[/b] you have placed on your mind and soul."[/i][/sub][/center][color=2e2c2c]..........................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Eons ago, an ancient race of God-like beings known as [b]Ancients[/b] visited humanity and bestowed thousands of them access to their magic known as [b]Lux[/b] - which is a different type of magic dependant on its color. This has created a spiritual connection to the Lux and the previous generations that wielded it. To access this Lux, a user must first undergo a [b]Kindling-Event[/b] when they experience a powerful emotion. During a Kindling Event, they can talk to their ancestors much like a Recollection, and this spiritual connection is passed down to all of their descendants. There is such a thing known as a [b]Severance[/b] in which an Adept may be cut off from their Lux if they aren't behaving in a way that their ancestors deem worthy (It's also possible for an Adept to sever [i]themselves[/i] during a Kindling Event). Afterward, they will be One-Eye-Open and unable to reconnect to their Lux. Adepts are more in line with traditional mages and wizards than the other Paranormal types with a flat ability, and Adepts have to learn [b]Spells.[/b] These spells can theoretically be anything within their Lux. However, each Adept has an [b]Affinity[/b], which means they can learn spells easier if they reflect [i]something[/i] about them. However, it's challenging (but not impossible) to develop spells outside of one's affinity and next-to-impossible to develop spells that are [i]opposite[/i] of their affinity. Spells are created through trial and error and experimentation, but each Adept has a unique way of developing their spells. However, Adepts can [i]also[/i] learn spells from external sources such as spell books and other Paranormal beings. An Adept can gain a catalog of hundreds of spells in their lifetime. However, it'll take [i]years[/i] of practice, and Adepts can also gain "inspiration" for new spells from the people close to them. Adepts access their magic through an object known as a [b]Channeler[/b], an object that the user has an emotional attachment to - it's [i]possible[/i] to use spells without one, but channeling the Lux through one's body will cause severe burns and lead to unstable Spells. The act of using spells is called [b]Casting[/b], and every Adept has its own method of casting (Visualizing and concentrating, chanting, rituals, etc.). An Adept can have multiple Lux; however, the more Lux they have access to, the weaker their overall spells will be. An Adept with multiple Lux can devise spells within one Lux or make spells combining several Lux. It’s common for an Adept to have one Lux, uncommon for two, and rare for three or more. Another technique for Casting is known as [b]Joint-Casting[/b], a testament to the bonds and synchrony of two or more Adepts. When these Adepts share a profound emotional connection, it opens new avenues as these Adepts can craft potent spells regardless of Lux or affinity. This connection allows them to create spells similar to regular spell crafting (trial and error), except now it requires synchrony with a group of people - thus, the margin for error is far higher. However, if successful, a Joint-Cast is insanely powerful as long as the emotional bond persists. Adepts can either be the same color or different colors to Joint-Cast. For example, two Red Adepts can create a powerful explosion of fire. A Green and Purple Adept can create a tornado of temporal rejuvenation. Using Joint-Casting, Adepts can make powerful spells that complement each other’s strengths and compensate for each other's weaknesses.[hider=Types of Lux][b][color=red]Red (Rage):[/color][/b] Elemental Lux, the most common type of Lux. The Ancient that embodies this Lux: [b]The Bull.[/b] Examples: Manipulation of fire, ice, electricity, earth, plant, and similar abilities. [b][color=limegreen]Green (Joy):[/color][/b] Biological Lux, the third most common type of Lux. The Ancient embodies this Lux: [b]The Deer[/b]. Examples: Healing, shape-shifting, wing generation, etc, [color=yellow][b]Yellow (Terror):[/b][/color] Stealth & Defensive Lux. The Ancient that embodies this Lux: [b]The Spider.[/b] Examples: Invisibility, barrier generation/forcefields, dumbing sound down, etc. [b][color=pink]Pink (Love):[/color][/b] Mental & Emotional Lux. The Ancient that embodies this Lux: [b]The Dove.[/b] Examples: Emotion manipulation, mind control, telepathy, illusion creation, etc. [b][color=gold]Gold (Pride):[/color][/b] Minion Summoning/Creation Lux, the third rarest type of Lux. The Ancient that embodies this Lux: [b]The Lion.[/b] Examples: Creating minions of choice, summoning a defeated monster, etc. [b][color=Mediumpurple]Purple (Anticipation):[/color][/b] Movement & Time Lux, the second most common type of Lux. The Ancient that embodies this Lux: [b]The Butterfly[/b]. Examples: Teleportation, time travel, Portal Creation, telekinesis, slowing down time, etc [b][color=orange]Orange (Courage):[/color][/b] Enchanting/Artifact-Creation, & Abstraction-Strengthening Lux, the second rarest form of Lux. The Ancient that embodies this Lux: [b]The Tiger[/b]. Examples: Creating artifacts, boosting Paranormal abilities, making an object weightless, etc. [b][color=Dodgerblue]Blue (Sadness):[/color][/b] Curse Lux, the rarest form of Lux. The ability to cast curses which requires a stipulation to be broken. The Ancient that embodies this Lux: [b]The Swan.[/b] Examples: Cursing someone to turn into a monster, creating a deadly illness, cursing someone to be haunted by the dead, etc. [b]White (Nostalgia):[/b] Information Lux. The Ancient that embodies this Lux: [b]The Owl.[/b] Examples include Observing locations remotely, seeing into the past/future, reading auras, gaining information about the environment, etc. [b][color=black]Black (Apathy):[/color][/b] Necromancy Lux. The Ancient that embodies this Lux: [b]The Hound.[/b] Examples: Creating zombie minions, manipulating apparitions, etc.[/hider][hider=GM Notes]Adepts are probably my second favorite out of the types, so I'm biased. They're probably the most complex, given how Lux n' shit works. Blue Lux are heavily restricted and require permission from me to make one a player character - otherwise, they will be an NPC-only Lux. I demand a list of spells they can cast in their abstraction section. Keep in mind the more types of Lux they have access to, the weaker their abilities should be. Also, please run any new spells by me first.[/hider][/cell][/row][row][cell][color=black][h1][b]APPARITIONS[/b][/h1][/color][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DMWDfhZ.jpg[/img] [sup]________________________________________________________________[/sup] [sub][i]"They emerge from a [b]world[/b] that shouldn't exist."[/i][/sub][/center][/cell][cell] Ghosts, Spirits, Angels, Demons, [i]Echoes[/i], whatever you call them, above all else. Apparitions are unique as they are the most fantastical and vague of the Paranormal. Opposed to being made of flesh and blood, they are made of pure magic, and instead of being born, they are [i]spawned[/i] into existence. There are three ways an Apparition can be created: from either a powerful enough belief (or emotion), [i] made [/i] by another Paranormal (these abstractions are few and in between, incredibly rare), or when a person with a strong enough emotion dies a piece of their leftover consciousness and memories become an Apparition. In the case of the latter, they are [i]not[/i] the soul or spirit of the individual and will only harbor a few of their memories and fragments of their former personality. A new Apparition is nothing but a blank slate, and many Apparitions were dead Paranormal-beings that cast away their humanity. These Apparitions are fueled and powered by these emotions and beliefs - and the stronger those are, the more powerful they become. An Apparition can, alternatively, fade from existence if said emotion or thought wanes. Apparitions are, otherwise, effectively immortal and can exist for centuries - if destroyed, they will regenerate in time (stronger Apparitions can regenerate as fast as a couple of hours). Apparitions, by default, are invisible to the Blind (they can choose to make themselves visible), but the Paranormal and One-Eye-Open can perceive them. While the Paranormal can interact with Apparitions, only the One-Eye-Open can see them. However, the primary method for defeating an Apparition is known as [b]Sealing[/b], and they can be imprisoned in an object where they will be trapped for all time unless freed. Apparitions can prevent themselves from being sealed or fading from existence by binding themselves to a human in some way, shape, or form (in this state, their Abstractions are entirely static). Apparitions, by default, are invisible to the Blind but can reveal themselves at will. Apparitions are responsible for most curses and can be manipulated by Black Lux.[hider=How to seal] Sealing an Apparition is simple but requires careful preparation, belief, and skill. First, the person attempting the seal must draw symbols on the ground or environment — symbols they[i] genuinely[/i] believe will bind the Apparition. This belief is crucial, as the seal's power stems from the conviction behind the markings. Once the symbols are in place, an object of any size must be placed within the sigils. The next step is the most dangerous: confronting and weakening the Apparition. The entity must be fought and drained of its strength until it is weakened enough for the seal to activate and draw it into the prepared object. The sealing process is not precise—an Apparition must only be near the sigils to be captured. When an Apparition is successfully sealed, it is rendered dormant within the object, effectively trapping it in a state of inactivity. This dormancy means the Apparition cannot exert its powers or influence the surrounding environment until it is released from the seal. For particularly powerful Apparitions, larger objects are necessary to accommodate their presence, and sealing multiple Apparitions into one object is possible, though risky. The more Apparitions sealed into a single object, the less stable the seal becomes, making it more prone to failure or release. If the object is ever destroyed, the Apparition(s) will be freed immediately. It's important to note that sealing only works on Apparitions. It does not affect the Abscised (possessed beings), Agents (who wield sealed Apparitions), or the Adjoined (humans bonded with Apparitions). When sealed, the object containing the Apparition allows the Blind/One-Eye-Open to access their Abstraction when they come into contact with it, effectively turning them into Agents capable of using the power within.[/hider][hider=GM Notes]Apparitions will be heavily restricted for several reasons; you can only make an Apparition if you get my permission. Apparitions apart of an Aberration are fully allowed.[/hider][/cell][/row][row][cell][color=black][h1][b]ABERRATIONS[/b][/h1][/color][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lgAFEd0.jpg[/img][sup]_________________________________________________[/sup] [sub][i]"Freak, monsters, predators, prey, [b]Aberrations[/b]. Do not take them lightly."[/i][/sub] [color=2e2c2c].........................................................................[/color][/center] [/cell][cell]Aberrations are what are considered to be "outside the lines," something not a part of the grand design of the universe. Aberrations are people who have had contact with the Paranormal and gained either a blessing or a curse from their abilities. Almost [i]all[/i] Abberattions are created from the Blind interacting with Apparitions, but they can [i]also[/i] be made by Adepts or by interacting with magical artifacts. Unlike Adepts, Animals can become Aberrations due to their strange nature. Aberrations are considered Paranormal Beings, so they can use all of the baseline abilities, but only the Blind/One-Eye-Open can become an Aberration. Due to the odd nature of the Aberrations, they are separated into five subclasses:[hider=Aberration Types][b]Adjoined:[/b] Are Paranormal-Beings who have an Apparition attached to their soul and can utilize their abilities. Either the Apparition uses their abstraction freely, the Adjoined can transform [i]into[/i] the Apparition, or the Adjoined uses the Apparition's Abstraction by proxy. Sometimes, these can intersect, and there can be an Adjoined that can do all three. [b]Afflicted:[/b] A person who gained an abstraction through being cursed. [b]Agent:[/b] A person who has contact with a sealed Apparition or a magical artifact and can use their abstraction by proxy. [b]Abscised:[/b] An Abscised is an Apparition that has taken control over somebody's body (Either possession style, removing a person's soul first, taking over a deceased human's body, etc) and can use their abstraction through them. The Abscised are varying degrees of undead. [b]Abominable:[/b] Unique as the Abominable are not humans or Apparition, but instead the Abominable are creatures that have been created [i]by[/i] magic. They have been created by a Paranormal being at some point, or some were born naturally from another Abominable. In the latter's case, it is the only known time when an Abstraction can be passed down, and the Abominable can breed with humans.[/hider][hider=Glamour]Glamour is an ability primarily used by Abominable-Aberrations to blend into human society by masking their true nature. Abominable, magical creatures born from a mix of human and non-human elements rely heavily on Glamour to assume a human form and navigate the world without drawing unwanted attention. This illusion allows them to hide their monstrous traits, offering them a façade of normalcy. While Glamour is most commonly associated with the Abominable, other types of Aberrations can also use it, and even humans altered by magic may wield this ability if necessary. Glamour is not a simple, uniform spell; it varies based on the needs and power of the user. Some Glamours are temporary, requiring constant focus and magical energy to maintain, while others are deeply integrated into the being’s essence, offering a more permanent disguise. Advanced Glamours can alter physical appearance, voice, scent, and aura, making it difficult for even Paranormals to detect their true identity. However, like any illusion, some Glamours may falter under close examination or physical contact, while others are resilient enough to hold up under scrutiny. Depending on the nature of the Aberration or altered human, Glamour can be created and sustained in several ways. Ritualistic Glamour involves rites, calling on ancient powers or personal reserves of magic to make a convincing disguise. Potion-based glamour allows users to drink specially brewed elixirs that temporarily alter their appearance. Certain Abominable might be able to cast Glamour at will, maintaining it with focus and magical strength alone. Artifact-assisted glamour can be activated using enchanted objects like rings or amulets, providing a reliable and long-lasting disguise. Emotional Glamour taps into the emotions of others, using feelings like admiration, fear, or love to sustain the illusion. Finally, Meditation-Based Glamour allows those with strong mental discipline to achieve and hold their disguise through focused concentration.[/hider][hider=GM Notes]My favorite type of Paranormal beings. They'll require a bit more background work as you'll have to come up with how they'll become an Aberrant (mainly running into an Apparition, etc). With Aberrants, you aren't limited by belief or personality or whatever and can come up with anything - however, you have to come up with Apparitions.[/hider][/cell][/row][/table][/hider][hider=Artifacts & Curses][table][row][/row][row][cell][h2][b][color=black]ARTIFACTS[/color][/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TZazefL.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][sup][i]"In the heart of every artifact lies a story waiting to be told."[/i][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]Across the All-Verse, amidst the whispers of forgotten civilizations, lie items of unimaginable power and mystery imbued with magical power known as an [b]Artifact[/b] - Enigmatic relics deeply rooted in human belief and thought. Across the All-Verse, there are [i]countless[/i] artifacts created by Adepts with Orange-Lux, Apparitions, or some artifacts spawned from the collective consciousness of mankind. However, even ordinary objects can transform into artifacts through the strength of certain beliefs or emotions tied to them. They take many shapes and sizes, and many hoard them for their raw power and what they can do. They take many shapes and sizes, and [i]many [/i]horde them for their raw power and what they can do. Artifacts are separated into two different groups: [b]Abstraction-Granting Artifacts,[/b] and [b]Non-Abstraction Granting Artifacts[/b], and the difference is simple. Abstraction-granting artifacts are relics that, when wielded by an individual, are attuned to their power, bestowing upon the user a specific Abstraction. These can range from elemental manipulation to psychic abilities, reflecting the nature of the Artifact. The main difference between this type of artifact and other kinds is that Abstraction-Granting Artifacts turn the Blind/One-Eye-Open into Agents and can [i]not[/i] be wielded by any other form of Paranormal-Being. Non-Abstraction Granting Artifacts function differently, and [i]can[/i] be used by anyone, even the most potent Paranormal-Being. Their magical abilities lie inside them, not bestowing an Abstraction. When wielded or activated, these artifacts exert their influence through various means, ranging from subtle manipulation to overt displays of power. These range from a magical sword to opening portals, protecting the wielder from curses, etc. Out there, there is a book of all known artifacts known as the [b][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192658-recollections-the-compendium/ooc]The Compendium.[/url][/b][/cell][/row][row][/row][row][cell][h2][b][color=black]CURSES[/color][/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CrFXdnZ.jpeg[/img][/center][hr][center][sup][i]"Curses are the silent whispers of history, the lingering shadows of forgotten sins, and the dark echoes of human suffering. However, they hold a hidden strength waiting to be explored."[/i][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]There exists a darkness that defies explanation, an evil force that lurks in the dark shadows of the human psyche. These are the curses, ancient and insidious, born from the depths of human belief and emotion. These curses weave a tale of despair and destruction, leaving their mark on the souls of those unfortunate enough to be ailed by them. They are manifestations fueled by anger, hatred, and/or despair and imbued with the power to wreak havoc upon those who incur their wrath. Curses can be physical, psychological, environmental, or even more abstract. Much like artifacts, there are countless and diverse artifacts throughout the All-Verse. Still, most of them are created by Apparitions - others are created through Blue-Lux users and even rituals or by human belief, emotion, and intent - spawning from intense suffering, betrayal, or injustice. Again, much like artifacts, Curses can be divided into [b]Abstraction-Granting Curses[/b] and [b]Non-Abstraction Granting Curses.[/b] Abstraction-Granting Curses, from a certain point of view, can be considered a gift as they can grant a transformation, psychic abilities, and more. While cursed individuals may gain access to newfound powers or skills, these come at a steep cost of losing life or a form of corruption. Every Abstraction-Granting Curse has a price no matter what, and only the Blind/One-Eye-Open can receive an Abstraction-Granting Curse. On the other hand, non-abstraction-granting curses are curses that anyone can receive, and they do not grant any boons or power whatsoever. They are strictly curses and come in many different forms, and [i][b]anyone[/b][/i] can receive these types of curses.[/cell][/row][/table][/hider][hider=The Allverse][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NLS3BKI.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][sup][i]"Reality is a wild, unpredictable, beast. Every choice you make leads to a different [b]reality[/b]."[/i][/sup][/center][color=2e2c2c].................................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Within the Recollections universe exists a multiverse dubbed the [b]All-Verse[/b]. The All-Verse is a vast and interconnected web of parallel dimensions, alternate realities, and different planes of existence that exist alongside our primary reality. The variety of these dimensions can range from entirely different to almost the same, except for the most minor differences. One significant aspect is that everyone in these dimensions has a [b] Counterpart,[/b] which is essentially a different version of them - except there are constants and variables (Constants being traits that they all share and variables are traits that can change). These counterparts are spiritually connected. This spiritual connection differs for each person; some counterparts can read each other’s aura/mind, gain more powerful abstractions in each other’s presence, switch bodies at will, etc. These universes were never [i]designed[/i] to interact, but magic can allow travel between each universe. The All-Verse represents reality itself. However, there is a state of [i]unreality.[/i] The space outside the All-Verse and reality is known as [b]The Void.[/b] The Void is the space between universes, and their universal laws, such as time and decay, do not exist there, and it is home to unimaginable horrors. Even with magic, entering the Void (and vice-versa) is challenging because a safety net exists, a barrier that prevents objects from falling out of reality. However, this safety net [i]also[/i] catches the remains of destroyed universes and becomes something just as horrifying as the Void: [b]The Pit.[/b] The Pit is a savage land consisting of the fragments of reality it caught, inhabited by any other being that fell out of existence. It is a horrible land inhabited by some of the most horrific creatures known to man that is nigh-impossible to escape from. Very few have escaped the Pit and those who have left their sanity behind. It's challenging to teleport out of, as the Pit seems to [i]redirect[/i] any teleportation back into the Pit - so even the most potent teleporters can't simply go in and out whenever they please. The Pit has to allow you to escape. Every universe within the All-Verse is named after a light-based term or a word that brings light to mind. The universe in which this story takes place is known as [b]Shimmer[/b].[/cell][/row][/table][/hider]