[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3jsrvfQ.png[/img][hr][hr][/center][hider=Abstraction Symbolism Cheat-sheet] [sup][b]Note:[/b] This is not a guide or anything like that. You're free to come up with symbolism and your interpretations of what's below, and I've probably gone against it a few times myself. This is just how [i]I[/i] interpret mechanics n' shit about abstractions.[/sup][table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]Elemental Abstractions:[/b][/h3][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [b]In general:[/b] Connection to the world, creativity, focus on the outside, being outrospective, desire to build/shape, change. [b]Fire:[/b] Passion, rage, raw and destructive emotion. [b]Water:[/b] Calmness/Peace, easily influenced, having multiple states. [b]Ice:[/b] Sadness, death, fridigity. [b]Earth/Metal/Crystals:[/b] Confidence, pride, obstinacy/stubbornness. [b]Sand:[/b] Time, patience, abrasiveness, flexibility. [b]Air:[/b] Mobility/Flexibility, spirituality, logic, destructiveness. [b]Soil/Dirt/Dust:[/b] Progress/productivity, old patterns, misery. [b]Lightning/Electricity/Storm:[/b] Fear/worries, energetic, wild. [b]Flowers/Plants:[/b] Love/intimacy, patience, Compassion, new beginnings, desire to see things grow. [b]Ash:[/b] Loss, death, penance. [b]Glass:[/b] Fragility, sight. [b]Darkness:[/b] [s]Being an edgelord,[/s] nothing/empitness, loss. [b]Light:[/b] Happiness, hope, desiring notice/sharing information. [b]Paper:[/b] Worthlessness, having something that needs to be done, [b]Ink/Paint:[/b] Creativity, intellect. [b]Wood:[/b] Wisdom, having built up something. [b]Ocean:[/b] Chaos, unchanging, calmness/peace. [b]Sound:[/b] Creativity, happiness/love, Connection, desire to be understood/listened to. [b]Stars/Cosmic:[/b] Dreams, change, ambition. [b]Plastic:[/b] Moldable, fakeness, insincerity. [b]Fabric/Clothes:[/b] Individuality, value, taking opinions in high regard. [b]Transmutation:[/b] Desire to change things, dissatisfaction with how things are. [h3][b]Mental Abstractions[/b][/h3][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [b]In General:[/b] Introspectiveness, knowledge/desire to understand/learn, open-mindedness, awareness. [b]Telekinesis:[/b] Control, intelligence, outwardness, mastering self. [b]Telepathy:[/b] Invasiveness/lack of boundaries, desire to communicate, wanting information/secrets. [b]Inventor/Gadgeteer[/b] Desire to solve a problem, having a singular goal that cannot be solved with the present tools. [b]Intelligence/Minds:[/b] Lack of Knowledge, perceived worthlessness, presented with problems that cannot be physically solved. [b]Dreams:[/b] Imaginative, wishes, interpretiveness. [b]Memory:[/b] Stress/past grievances, desire to forget/inform, willingness to change things, looking to the past, external struggle. [b]Emotion[/b] Compassion, understanding people (or lack thereof), closer Connection to people, internal struggle. [b]Mind Control:[/b] Desire to control, feeling out of control, social isolation/exile. [b]Illusions:[/b] Deception (on both sides), belief/thought being proven wrong, Desire for something that cannot be gained.[/cell][cell][h3][b]Other Abstractions[/b][/h3][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [b]Animal:[/b] Noticeable lack of Connection to people, outcast, Connection to nature/love of nature. (This was going to be its section but I was like, nope fuck that, lol) [b]Summoning/Minion Creation:[/b] Desire for companionship, social isolation/exile. [b]Transformation/Shape-Shifting:[/b] Issues involving identity, self-hatred/wanting to be different. [b]Teleportation:[/b] Feeling trapped/stuck, desire to escape, needing something. [b]Speed:[/b] Impatience, Desire to get to goal instantly, has problem approaching, a problem that can be run from, down to earth. [b]Flight:[/b] Needing to reach goals/expectations, freedom, idealism. [b]Strength:[/b] Being faced with situations that can't be mentally solved, violence/rage, perceived lack of strength/desire to grow stronger, authority. [b]Healing/Repairing:[/b] Desire to help people, compassion/kindness, other people's mental scars/past trauma, seeing beauty in something, restoring something else. [b]Regeneration:[/b] Desire to fix self, fixing own mental/physical wounds, a goal they need to see through, self-restoration. [b]Time:[/b] Past/Future mistakes, pressure of time, having limited time, lack of management [b]Shields:[/b] Protection/desire to protect, danger/damage, caring, imminent threat to self. [b]Creation/Building:[/b] The need for something, wanting to build something new, creativity/self-expression, having problems. [b]Close-Range:[/b] Immediate up-in-your-face issue/question, close and personal problems/struggles, problems/solutions being in reach, single or few problems/threats. [b]Long-Range:[/b] Looming/upcoming problems, threats approaching/attacking from a distance, multiple threats/problems, things being out of reach. [b]Enchanting/Imbuing:[/b] Inadquency, current tools not being sufficient. [b]Beam:[/b] Focusing on one thing/task. [b]Enhanced Senses:[/b] Desiring awareness or understanding of environmental/task. [b]Stealth:[/b] Hiding, secretiveness, unwanted attention, isolation. [b]Death/Necromancy:[/b] Loss of family/friend, mourning, going to dark corners, [s]also being an edgelord[/s]. [b]Paranormal Related:[/b] Knowledge of the supernatural, problem/goal/question related to the paranormal, Desire to interact with the paranormal.[/cell][/row][/table][/hider][hider=PRA's Paranormal Threat Assessment (PTA)][indent]The PRA assigns individual Paranormal-Beings a threat level (also known as a PTA) on a one to five scale that helps prioritize resources and responses. Each threat level would have corresponding response protocols, including deploying special agents, containment strategies, and potential collaboration with other agencies or international organizations. Here's a list of threat levels the PRA uses:[table][row][sup][h3][b][color=2e2c2c] ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/color][right][color=2e2c2c]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/color][/right] [/b][/h3][/sup][/row][row][cell][u][b][h2]Primary[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Threat[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Levels:[/h2][/b][/u][indent][h3][u][b]Minimal Threat (Level 0):[/b][/u][/h3][indent] ⦁ Paranormal-Beings with little to no offensive capabilities. ⦁ Non-hostile or benevolent Paranormal-Beings. ⦁ Easily contained or controlled. ⦁ Evacuation is not necessary.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Low Threat (Level 1):[/b][/u][/h3][indent]⦁ Mildly hostile Paranormal beings with limited or localized abilities. ⦁ Potential for minor disruptions or localized incidents. ⦁ Beings that may pose a minimal threat to individuals or small groups. ⦁ Typically manageable with standard containment procedures. ⦁ Evacuation is not necessary.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Moderate Threat (Level 2):[/b][/u][/h3][indent]⦁ Paranormal-Beings with moderate hostile intent and significant abilities. ⦁ Beings that have the potential to cause harm to a larger area or group. ⦁ May exhibit unpredictable behavior. ⦁ Require specialized response teams for capture or neutralization. ⦁ Evacuation of the area is an option.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Significant Threat (Level 3):[/b][/u][/h3][indent]⦁ Highly hostile Paranormal beings with formidable offensive capabilities. ⦁ Capable of causing widespread damage or harm. ⦁ Requires a coordinated effort and advanced technology for containment. ⦁ The evacuation of the area is required.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Severe Threat (Level 4):[/b][/u][/h3][indent]⦁ Extremely powerful and destructive Paranormal-Beings. ⦁ Possesses powerful, potentially world-altering abilities. ⦁ Requires a highly specialized and heavily armed response team. ⦁ This may require the evacuation of the entire city.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Maximum Threat (Level 5):[/b][/u][/h3][indent]⦁ Paranormal beings of unparalleled power and malevolence. ⦁ Capable of causing widespread destruction, chaos, or even extinction-level events. ⦁ Difficult to contain or neutralize. ⦁ Requires the highest level of government intervention. ⦁ Any city in its range must be evacuated if possible.[/indent][/indent][/cell][cell][u][b][h2]Other[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Threat[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Levels:[/h2][/b][/u][indent][h3][u][b]Unknown Threat (Level X):[/b][/u][/h3][indent]⦁ Unidentified or poorly understood Paranormal-Beings. ⦁ Insufficient data to properly assess the threat level. ⦁ Intentions are not fully understood. ⦁ Requires thorough investigation and assessment to give accurate designation. ⦁ A precautionary approach must be taken until more information is gathered.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Erratic Threat (Level U):[/b][/u][/h3][indent]⦁ Paranormal beings with unpredictable behaviors and abilities. ⦁ It isn't easy to assess or anticipate their actions. ⦁ Require ongoing monitoring and adaptive strategies.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Wild Threat (Level C):[/b][/u][/h3][indent]⦁ Paranormal Beings that cannot be effectively contained or neutralized. ⦁ Pose an ongoing and unmanageable threat. ⦁ Extreme caution is required.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Evolving Threat (Level E):[/b][/u][/h3][indent] ⦁ Assigned to initially lower-level threats that show a significant escalation in offensive capabilities over time. ⦁ Unpredictable behavior and capabilities. ⦁ Requires additional monitoring, mobilization of resources, and development of new strategies. ⦁ Eliminating an escalating supernatural threat is determined by the nature of the threat itself, its rate of growth, available resources, and potential consequences.[/indent] [h3][u][b]Inactive Threat (Level I):[/b][/u][/h3][indent]⦁ Beings that were previously considered threats but are currently dormant, incapacitated, or contained. ⦁ Require ongoing surveillance but are not an immediate concern. ⦁ All Sealed-Apparitions are automatically considered an Inactive Threat.[/indent][/indent][/cell][/row][/table][/indent][/hider][hider=Supplementary Factions][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][h2][b][color=black]THE[color=2e2c2c].[/color]ACCORDANCE[/color][/b][/h2][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/OQvIZu2.jpg[/img][hr][b][sup][i]"Unity shines the path to prospersity!"[/i][/sup][/b][hr][/center][/cell][cell][indent][color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] The Accordance [i]was[/i] a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak All-Verse. This organization was tasked with maintaining order across the All-Verse, operating with a single purpose: to uphold the delicate balance of all worlds from the threat of chaos and destruction. Central to the Accordance's structure was a system of ranks and titles designed to ensure efficient governance and decision-making. At the top of this hierarchy stood [b]Dacious, [/b]the revered leader of the organization, whose wisdom and foresight guided its actions. Beneath him was the [b]Council of Twelve,[/b] comprised of esteemed advisors and experts in various fields, offering expertise to craft the Accordance's policies and strategies. The Accordance's responsibilities span various domains, from interdimensional diplomacy to crisis intervention and conflict resolution. They monitored emerging multiversal threats and potential destabilizing influences across the All-verse, deploying their forces to address such threats before they could escalate into something far worse. Further down the hierarchy were the [b]Peacekeepers[/b], operatives trained in combat, diplomacy, and law enforcement. Operating on the front lines of conflict and crisis, these dedicated individuals embodied the Accordance's commitment to protecting the innocent and upholding justice across the multiverse. The Peacekeepers wielded vast magical and technological resources to aid them, including ancient artifacts, powerful spells, and advanced weaponry. One of Accordance's most frightening capabilities lay in its ability to mobilize resources and personnel from across the All-Verse with unparalleled efficiency. Using interdimensional portals and advanced communication networks, they could deploy Peacekeepers to any corner of the All-Verse within [i]seconds.[/i] In addition to their roles as peacekeepers, the Accordance also served as custodians of ancient knowledge and artifacts. They maintained a vast collection of artifacts (partly to keep them from falling into the wrong hands) and records of past conflicts, phenomena, and other knowledge that could be useful. However, their greatest challenge came from the Inner Circle, a vicious cult led by the mighty Green Adept known as Sunshine Jones. This shadowy organization posed a grave threat to the stability of the All-verse, unleashing horrors upon countless worlds in its relentless pursuit of the "blood of magic." Despite the Inner Circle's power, the Accordance came out on top and banished Sunshine Jones and her followers to the Pit, ending their reign of terror. However, it was short-lived, as the Accordance was annihilated not long after, with all the artifacts in their possession, including the legendary All-Blade, scattered across the All-Verse. Their defeat and destruction are shrouded in mystery. Still, the rumor is that Sunshine escaped the Pit and destroyed the Accordance in revenge.[/indent][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][h2][b][color=black]THE[color=2e2c2c].[/color]INNER-CIRCLE[/color][/b][/h2][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/PYuTrk0.jpg[/img][hr][b][sup][i]"Our destiny awaits in the blood of magic!"[/i][/sup][/b][hr][/center][/cell][cell][indent][color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] The Inner Circle, a name whispered in a hushed tone across All-Verse, embodies the dark depths a lust for power can lead and the corruption magic can have on one's soul if they let it. Led by brutal and savage [b]Sunshine Jones,[/b] a Green Adept of unmatched power, she commanded a legion of devotees just as fantastical and brutal as she was. Their goals are as superb as they are nefarious: to locate the [i]source[/i] of magic, which they dub as the "blood of magic," and to harness its power. At the heart of the Inner Circle lies a vast network of hidden lairs, secret laboratories, and occult libraries hidden across the All-verse. These facilities are the centerpiece of the cult's dark experiments and twisted rituals, where they conduct heinous acts of torture, human experimentation, and forbidden magic in pursuit of their goals. The cult's membership numbered in the hundreds, each member a skilled Adept, Aberration, or sometimes Apparition. These devotees pledged loyalty to Sunshine Jones's cause, carrying out her orders with fanatical [i]zeal.[/i] The Inner Circle's crimes were as numerous as they were unforgivable, ranging from mass murder and genocide to the creation of monstrous abominations that killed millions to creating and selling powerful artifacts and weapons to [i]other[/i] monstrous. The Inner Circle stopped at nothing, and [i]everyone[/i] was a necessary sacrifice for their sinister goals. Yet, despite their vicious nature, the Inner Circle remained an enigma, their true motives and ultimate goals shrouded in mystery. Some believe they seek to ascend to Godhood, while others fear they may seek to bring about the end of all existence. Whatever their intentions, the Inner Circle was a force to be reckoned with. Despite their overwhelming power and influence, the Inner Circle's reign of terror had challenges. Chief among their foes was the Accordance, a multiversal organization of peacekeepers [i]dedicated[/i] to putting an end to them and restoring balance to the All-Verse Their defeat at the hands of the Accordance and James Vanburen, the hero of the All-Verse, was a momentous victory for truth and justice, and Sunshine's exile to the Pit was seen as a triumph. Yet, despite their destruction, they left permanent scars in the All-Verse, and to this day, the residents of the worlds they brutalized feel their shadow looming over them. Rumors say that she has escaped The Pit and now seeks vengeance against those who dared to oppose her, including destroying the Accordance. The Inner Circle left one hell out of a legacy as they serve as a chief reminder of how power corrupts and how steps must be taken to prevent others from following in Sunshine's footsteps.[/indent][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][h2][b][color=black]THE[color=2e2c2c].[/color]OLD[color=2e2c2c].[/color]CULT[/color][/b][/h2][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/ILVkU7L.jpg[/img][hr][b][sup][i]"They say the Old Cult's darkness still lingers, waiting to reclaim its place."[/i][/sup][/b][hr][/center][/cell][cell][indent][color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] More legend than anything. Rumors, whispers, and half-truths speak of a mysterious cult that worshipped the Stygian Snake and was just [i]so[/i] heinous and reprehensible that it had to be wiped from the canals of history. Very little is known about the Old Cult, to the extent that its [i]name[/i] is a mystery, but what [i]is [/i]known is that it was led by a man named [b]Walter[/b]. The purge of information was so thorough that the specifics of their crimes are a mystery, leaving behind speculation... and the lingering possibility that they may not have existed.[/indent][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][h2][b][color=black]THE[color=2e2c2c].[/color]LEAGUE[/color][/b][/h2][color=black][b]OF LUMINSCIENT FAMILIES[/b][/color][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/nrunMAt.jpg[/img][hr][sup][b][i]"Bless the Lightfather!"[/i][/b][/sup][hr][/center][/cell][cell][indent][color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] The universe inhabited by the League of Luminescence shares origins with our own but diverged dramatically when a secret society of magical families engaged in a covert war against Apparitions and Aberrations. This conflict escalated catastrophically when the Stygian Snake attacked, decimating over half the population with its armies. In a desperate final stand, the League united with remaining forces, including Apparitions and beings from other realms. Their combined efforts were nearly obliterated until a massive being of light, known as the "Light-Father," confronted the Stygian Snake. In a heroic sacrifice, he drove the Stygian Snake away. Following this victory, the League seized control over governments, ruling with an iron fist and obscuring the Stygian Snake’s existence. Most inhabitants of Glint are part of [b]the League of Luminscience[/b], an influential collective of families that dominate this world. While technology stagnated, magic flourished, and the League reveres the Luminscience as their power source, worshipping the Light-Father who saved them from the Stygian Snake. Historically, the League operated under a monarchy that relied on slavery until King Magnanimous dismantled the system in favor of an "equal" council where every family had a voice. However, the most prominent families dominate discussions, leading to petty feuds rather than progress. The League is notorious for its extreme punishments. They are a fervently religious society with severe penalties, including the eradication of entire bloodlines, for heinous crimes like murder and treason. Even minor offenses can result in collective punishment for families. Those without connections to Lux are treated as second-class citizens, often subjected to abuse and exploitation as they fulfill unwanted labor roles. Governance is divided among four houses: the House of Candlelight (Africa and the Middle East), the House of Torchlight (Asia), the House of Firelight (North and South America), and the House of Starlight (Europe and Russia). Each house is represented by the League’s council, where their voices resonate the strongest. The Knights of Luminescence serve as the League’s primary military force, a volunteer army of magical warriors. Families lower on the social ladder often join to gain status and wealth, starting as Squires at a young age, training under Knights until they can attain the rank. The League's primary adversaries are the Apparitions and Aberrations, long considered enemies since their inception. The genuine threat, however, lies in the resistance movement known as the White Rabbit Society, comprising Apparitions, Aberrations, and disillusioned League members led by the formidable White Arachne. The League has villainized her, blaming her for humanity’s near extinction to divert attention from the Stygian Snake. The League has established itself as a formidable magical menace, willing to traverse the boundaries of universes and meddle in the affairs of other realms. Their ambition knows no limits as they seek to extend their influence beyond Glint, exploiting the resources and vulnerabilities of parallel worlds for their gain. A notable aspect of their governance is the frequent use of exile as punishment; dissenters, criminals, or perceived threats are banished to distant universes.[/indent][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][h2][b][color=black]THE[color=2e2c2c].[/color]BROTHERHOOD[/color][/b][/h2][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/w2aPWF0.jpeg[/img][hr][sup][b][i]"In Tenebris Fortitudo."[/i][/b][/sup][hr][/center][/cell][cell][color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [indent]The Brotherhood is a secretive order of knights founded during the medieval era of Europe, a time marked by superstition, fear of the supernatural, and rampant violence wrought by malevolent Apparitions and Aberrations. A coalition of brave warriors, scholars, and clerics gathered to ally to safeguard humanity from these dark forces. They established their first sanctuaries in the crumbling ruins of ancient monasteries and hidden cathedrals, drawing upon knowledge and ancient texts to develop their combat techniques and magical practices. This early formation emphasized martial prowess and the understanding of magic as a force to be respected and wielded responsibly. Over the centuries, as Europe transformed through the Renaissance into the modern age, the Brotherhood adapted, remaining vigilant against evolving supernatural threats and maintaining its mission in an increasingly skeptical world. Recruitment into the Brotherhood is a selective and often tricky process. Candidates are typically individuals who have encountered the supernatural firsthand, whether through personal tragedy, the loss of loved ones to Aberrations, or as witnesses to horrific events. Prospective members often come from diverse backgrounds and initiates undergo rigorous trials that assess their resolve, intellect, morality, and ability to wield magical artifacts. Those who pass are bestowed the rank of Acolyte, tasked with learning the Brotherhood’s ancient rites, combat techniques, and magic secrets. The Brotherhood’s hierarchical structure consists of several ranks, each representing different levels of mastery and responsibility. At the pinnacle is the Grandmaster, a figure shrouded in mystery, believed to possess extensive knowledge of the Paranormal and unparalleled combat skills. Beneath the Grandmaster are the Councilors, seasoned knights who advise on strategy, recruitment, and training. The next rank, Paladins, represents the elite warriors of the Brotherhood, skilled in martial combat and the use of magical artifacts, including legendary weapons such as the Vampire Hunter and the Undead Hunter. These artifacts are steeped in the order’s history and designed to combat the undead and other dark forces. Paladins lead missions and are responsible for confronting powerful Apparitions, while the Acolytes, still in training, gradually take on field assignments under their guidance. The lowest rank, Novices, are the newest recruits who have yet to prove their worth. The Brotherhood's operations are often shrouded in secrecy, with members conducting missions that range from small-scale reconnaissance to full-scale assaults on strongholds of evil forces. They combine traditional combat techniques and magic, often relying on artifacts steeped in their order's history. These artifacts are carefully guarded, each possessing unique powers that enhance the wielder’s abilities and safeguard against dark forces. The Brotherhood also gathers intelligence, maps out areas where Paranormal occurrences are reported, and tracks activity to strike before chaos ensues preemptively. Some members advocate for a more aggressive approach, arguing that striking decisively against Apparitions and Aberrations is the only way to send a clear message and deter future threats. Conversely, others within the Brotherhood urge restraint and deliberation. This philosophical divide creates tension during council meetings, where strategies are debated and missions planned, reflecting the Brotherhood's struggle to balance aggression with caution in an ever-changing world of supernatural threats. The membership primarily consists of Adepts, and there is a stigma against Aberrations, including those who are Adjoined, Abominable, and Afflicted, further complicating the dynamics within the order. The Brotherhood's arsenal includes a cornerstone weapon known as the Knight's Edge, a mass-produced artifact that serves as both a sword and a versatile tool. Forged from a unique alloy with magical properties, it can adapt to the wielder’s needs, shifting between forms such as a traditional blade or a ranged whip. It is customizable to imbue it with elemental properties or temporary enchantments. Alongside the Knight's Edge, members employ specialized weapons like enchanted crossbows, spears, axes, shields, etc. As time progressed, the Brotherhood transitioned to more modern weaponry, integrating firearms enhanced with enchantments to maintain their effectiveness against supernatural foes. While the Brotherhood primarily operates within Europe, its influence and reach extend to other continents whenever the threat of Aberrations arises. This expansion is marked by careful planning as they connect with local groups and individuals who share their mission. Through meetings and cooperation with other factions, the Brotherhood ensures that the knowledge and tools required to combat supernatural threats are shared, creating a web that spans borders. This adaptability reflects their understanding that evil knows no bounds and that their vigilance must extend beyond the confines of Europe to protect humanity from the encroaching darkness.[/indent][/cell][/row][/table][/hider][Hider=Major Paranormal Hotspots][table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]ARAMINTA,[color=2e2c2c].[/color]PA[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/s0X6KVm.png[/img] [color=2e2c2c]............................................................[/color] [i]"The Hidden Crossroads."[/i][hr][/center][/cell][cell][b]Araminta, Pennsylvania[/b], sits in the northern center of Williams County, just a stone's throw from the New York state border. Founded in the 1700s by Richard Williams, who named the city after his cherished daughter, Araminta started as a strategic military base during the French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War. Once the wars ended, the base fell out of use and became a tourist draw. Today, Araminta's primary claim to fame is its once-bustling railroad system. As the central hub of various Pennsylvania railroads, the city was a vital transportation nexus. However, many of these railroads have been retired, leaving their tracks to wind through the town like forgotten veins. Now a haven for dredges and degenerates, the train yard adds a gritty edge to Araminta's quaint suburban facade.[/cell][/row][/table][indent]The city is predominantly suburban, with its urbanity confined to a modest downtown area. Despite its small-town charm, Araminta boasts a range of businesses and well-kept homes, attracting those seeking a respite from the relentless pace of city life. It’s known for its attractive houses, which draw retirees and families alike. However, beneath this serene exterior, Araminta grapples with significant issues. Like much of Pennsylvania, the city suffers from a severe drug problem. The drug trade is concentrated in the more rundown areas, where the discrepancy between the city's outward appearance and its inner struggles is stark. A large portion of Araminta’s area is covered by dense woodlands, where remote houses and hidden places harbor the city's misfits and addicts. The train tracks running through these woods serve as gathering spots for those on the fringes of society. The woods are mysterious, hiding secrets the city’s veneer often obscures. Geographically, Araminta is not highly urbanized but is strategically located near the Williams River, a significant waterway branching from the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers. The river’s namesake is a nod to the city's founder, Richard Williams. Demographically, Araminta is predominantly Caucasian, with notable populations of Asians and African Americans. Hispanics, Middle Easterners, and Pacific Islanders are relatively rare. Despite the drug issues, Araminta enjoys relatively low crime rates, with most incidents involving petty crimes and drug possession; violent crimes are infrequent. Araminta's Paranormal scene is a tangled web of intrigue and hidden power, overshadowed by the city’s mundane exterior. Beneath the surface of its suburban tranquility, the town harbors a quiet but potent undercurrent of magic and supernatural activity. The old train yard is a hotspot for Paranormal dealings and secretive gatherings. The dense woodlands surrounding the city are a haven for Abominable and Apparitions, along with cults and witch Covens lurking in the shadows. Araminta is one of [i]the[/i] Paranormal Hotspots in the northeastern parts of the US, alongside New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Ravenscroft. [/indent][table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]MIRAGE[color=2e2c2c].[/color]SPRINGS,[color=2e2c2c].[/color]NV[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/jFFfBzW.png[/img] [color=2e2c2c]............................................................[/color] [i]"The Mirage Metropolis."[/i][hr][/center][/cell][cell][b]Mirage Springs, Nevada,[/b] is a city where the allure of Las Vegas is mixed with a distinctive supernatural vibe, creating a vibrant, otherworldly playground nestled in the heart of the Nevada desert. Designed to capture the grandeur and allure of its more famous cousin, Mirage Springs, with its neon-lit streets and lavish casinos, exudes an air of enchantment that extends far beyond its surface glitz. The city has always been a melting pot of entertainment and magical intrigue, but its true essence lies in its paranormal history and current tumult. Originally envisioned as a glittering oasis in the desert, Mirage Springs quickly attracted attention for more than just its extravagant attractions. The city’s supernatural scene was once dominated by The Society, an influential faction led by the powerful Apparition known as Morningstar and his elite cadre, the Endless Seven. The Society’s grip on Mirage Springs was absolute, turning it into a nexus of magical power where secret rituals, magical dealings, and hidden societies thrived behind the facades of its luxurious casinos and neon-soaked avenues.[/cell][/row][/table][indent]However, the fall of Morningstar and his lieutenants marked the beginning of a turbulent era for Mirage Springs. The city plunged into a fierce civil war as the remnants of The Society splintered into more minor factions that sought to dominate the supernatural scene. In contrast, new factions surged into the power vacuum. The struggle for control has left Mirage Springs in flux, where the once-unified magical community is now fractured into utter chaos. Despite the upheaval, Mirage Springs thrives with a vibrant magical theme that infuses every city corner. The town is a grand stage where enchantment and whimsy are part of its identity. Mirage Springs presents a façade of spellbinding charm and fantastical allure, from dazzling casinos to quirky nightclubs. The city's businesses capitalize on this magical theme, with neon lights casting an otherworldly glow and venues styled with elaborate, otherworldly décor. While not truly magical, the casinos feature immersive, fantasy-inspired experiences designed to captivate and enchant their visitors. The nightlife is a spectacle of theatrical flair, where performers and shows play up the illusion of mystical wonders. Even the street performers, dressed as wizards and mythical beings, contribute to the city’s whimsical persona. Mirage Springs is a city of contrasts—a glittering facade hiding a tumultuous underworld. The intersection of luxury and the supernatural creates a unique ambiance where the line between spectacle and sorcery is as thin as the mirage that gave the city its name.[/indent] [table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]RAVENSCROFT,[color=2e2c2c].[/color]MA[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PKleBUn.jpeg[/img] [color=2e2c2c]............................................................[/color] [i]"The City of Shadows."[/i][hr][/center][/cell][cell][b]Ravenscroft, Massachusetts,[/b] thrums with dark, arcane energy, where the supernatural intertwines with urban life. Cloaked in gothic grandeur and shrouded in an eerie charm, the city serves as a battleground for an array of witch covens, mystical cults, secretive societies, and formidable magical crime families. Each entity exerts its influence, creating a complex and ever-shifting landscape. At the heart of this magical chaos stands the [b]Homunculus Factory[/b], a concealed stronghold shrouded in mystery. This shadowy organization is led by a reclusive and enigmatic figure whose name is only whispered among Ravenscroft's hidden circles. The Factory’s leader is rumored to have discovered a method to channel and harness Lux, infusing it into their creations. This obsession with power and forbidden knowledge drives the Factory’s secretive and often dangerous operations.[/cell][/row][/table][indent]Ravenscroft's magical factions are diverse and intertwined, contributing to the city’s chaos in their unique way. With their practices and shifting allegiances, Witch covens pursue hidden agendas, leaving their mark in the city’s shadowed corners. Some engage in clandestine rituals, summoning ancient forces and performing ceremonies. Alongside these covens are various occult cults dedicated to their enigmatic goals. Some cults are known for their elaborate ceremonies to invoke ancient powers, while others worship multiple beings. In addition to these mystical players, Ravenscroft is home to a network of powerful magical crime families. These families operate like a dark mirror to traditional organized crime, employing supernatural methods to control their territories. Their criminal enterprises range from trading illicit magical substances to manipulating the city's magical underworld for their gain. The families are deeply entrenched in the city's power struggles, often clashing with each other and other supernatural factions. [/indent][/hider]