[center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Crusader Lord][@Zapdos][@Jay009][/center] [h1][i][u]Cherrad, Valhiem Region, Central Mytheria[/u][/i][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/jukKjTY.jpg[/img] The road through the region was a gentle incline, taking Second Chance around and through a cluster of hills that signalled Central Mytheria reverting to type - the naturally hilly terrain of Central Mytheria was only flat in patches. As the party came around the hill that originally blocked their view of what was ahead, the vista suddenly sprung upon them; the sight of the village, [i]Cherrad[/i], the hills and trees sprawled out beyond. The road would now gently decline, lowering them into what was undoubtedly one of the smaller villages in the region. Cherrad was a place of no more than 50 houses. Complete with a meeting hall, a modest church of Iris, an inn, post office and one or two other amenities that passers-by might be interested in, it would be difficult to tell which building was which, seeing as all were as similarly built as the houses people lived in. Cherrad was kind to outsiders, but they were simple folk, with a way of life that didn't take kindly to the changing times or the general 'living speed' and chaos of the city they neighboured. In the backdrop, Temple Hill could be seen, almost big enough to be called a mountain.