[h2]Saria[/h2] Dealing with a flying opponent was definitely trouble; it was one of the few times Saria could remember thinking that a crossbow would be of particular use to her. At least other enemies she had fought had to stand on a solid surface and gave her more to work with... this one wasn't even flying within easy reach of a rooftop. Not that her lasers were penefdating her barrier yet, the beams' increased intensity continuing to be matched by the white crystal. Yet the increase in speed and power made focusing on an arts-based counter an even riskier proposition, with the enemy Caster no doubt looking out for it. Fortunately, this wasn't a particularly built up area, nor was it in the best condition now that the village was under attack. It only took a little observation to find a stopgap to keep the mage distracted: a handy rock. Baseball hadn't been her interest, but that didn't mean that a Vouivre of her strength didn't still have one hell of a mean throw.