[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gTXBdjL.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5UaICSj.png[/img][h1]Ava[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Ijsvogel ([@Mao Mao]).[/right][right][b][code]The Beach[/code][/b][/right][hr] At this point, a good chunk of the rainforest that provided them with cover was on fire. It was not an immediate danger to the Shells, like the drones and the fighters, but eventually, that would be a [i]huge[/i] problem if they didn't wrap this up soon. Magpie liked not getting ripped to shreds by fighters. She kept boosting as a few fighters were on her tail and eventually hopped over a charred piece of debris from a destroyed Airship. It was large enough to accommodate her minimal-sized Shell, and she quickly reactivated the claw and unleashed another barrage of missiles and created [i]fireworks[/i] as they brightly exploded. It was enough to give Magpie some time to get her bearings. Crow and Barn Owl were taking on the other fighters, and Magpie was tempted to provide support.... then Kingfisher dropped his damn weapon. Magpie rolled her eyes, wondered if this was his first fight, and saw Ossifrage leave cover to provide support.... Her sensors alerted her towards the downed cargo carrier, and she turned her head towards it to see a massive blue beam come out of the craft... and it hit Ossifrage head-on. It cleaved through the core of her shell, and she was launched backward and hit the ground with a thud. That hit incinerated the cockpit, and Magpie's sensors detected that her pilot was now deceased. [i][b][color=E623AB]"Aaxie!"[/color][/b][/i] Magpie shouted. "... Ossifrage-80 down. The good news is that you all will get her share of the payment for this mission. Searching for a replacement..." Ava finally chimed in with her dull monotone. "... [i]Replacement found.[/i]" Magpie resisted the urge to curse Ava out as a [url=https://i.imgur.com/su95DhW.jpg]Shell wielding a massive weapon[/url] leaped out of the Shell. It blasted its colossal beam into the treeline, trying to destroy as much of the cover the Vultures used as possible. A barrage of tiny missiles exploded from its shoulders, creating a white fireworks-like effect and spreading a targeting scrambling that interfered with Magpie's (and the others') FSC systems. "Now, Vultures, I will be more hands-on since letting you all... out of your cage... has proven to be ineffectual. That is the [i]Ushi-oni[/i] Model of Autonomous Murakumo Shells. They likely have other Shells within the carrier, but remember, this is simply a stalling tactic while they wait for reinforcements to arrive... I will ensure that they only find the aftermath of our handiwork. It's going to be difficult to handle this [i]and[/i] the fighters, but the good news is that you have me here." Magpie could just [i]feel[/i] Ava placing her fingers together. "Shrike, support Ijsvogel so he can get his weapon back; together, the two of you will destroy the remaining Shells before they activate. Crow and Barn Owl draw its attention and keep on the move. Magpie, cover them and make sure any fighters that get any bright ideas... don't get any. While that happens, I want Gizzard and Hachidori to rip the thing to shreds with their weapons. Copy?" Magpie shook her head from within her Shell and begrudgingly said, [color=E623AB]"Copy."[/color]