[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjY2LjNjNzZhNy5TR0ZqYUdsa2IzSnAuMA/cannet-agency-demo.regular.webp[/img] [/center][@Drag]King Gizzard Hachidori was on the other side of the beach, taking cover from the fighters above under a long destroyed shell. He could bid his time. He kept track of what his teammates were doing. More and more fighters and drones were being taken out. The ones hovering above were shot down, giving him a chance to escape. Some of the crew were in the rainforest beside the beach. It wouldn't be good for him to be isolated from the rest of the group. He could handle himself, but strength in numbers. A large blue beam shot out of the forest followed by an explosion. A large swathe of trees were destroyed, giving him a view of the shell that did it. An alert popped up on his screen just as Ava came through the comms. "Ossifrage-80 down." Telling him what the reading said. He's too new to feel anything other than general sadness for losing a teammate. There would be time to mourn after the mission. He had orders he needed to follow. "...I want Gizzard and Hachidori to rip the thing to shreds with their weapons. Copy?" Ava said. [color=62AAD5]"Copy that,"[/color] he replied. He didn't run right at it. He figured hitting it from behind would be much better. [color=62AAD5]"Gizzard, let's hit it at the same time. I'm going at it from behind. Over,"[/color] he said. He skirted around the damaged the trees, heading for the lush ones instead. He kept low and took it one step at a time. He didn't want to alert its attention, before Gizzard was ready. No doubt all of them showed up on its scanners, but the closest would be prioritized. He needed to hit it fast and hard with no time to react when the moment was right.