[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230929/a2080ed81b155b32bcbc521c05f55866.png[/img][/center] [quote=Tree lover] “James, how should we proceed?” [/quote] Adam's question made him close his eyes, he needed to organize his thoughts, this was it, the start of the mission, the [i]dangerous[/i] mission. There was no room for more fuckups and that meant thinking things through. Thinking like that it was easy to choose his priorities. [list] [*] The lives and health of the party [*] Returning home [*] The quest [/list] It was clear what the next move should be He opened his eyes [color=df73ff]"We divide"[/color] Better explain before looking like an idiot [color=df73ff]"Right now we need information and the villagers seem like our safest bet. but I don't want to spend too much time there so we should spread out and talk to different people"[/color] But carefully [color=df73ff]"We also should use the buddy system, if that driver words are to be trusted then we are working against someone competent in subterfuge, so we form pairs, a ranged attacker and a melee fighter, Zell and Kass are our best melee fighters so they get a buddy each, on the other hand I think Fenna and me can work as a unit to pass as another fighter making our pair a trio"[/color] This was the hard part, the social aspect. He then signaled to Adam, MacKenzie, and Lilly [color=df73ff]"That means you three should choose who you pair up with, the most important thing is that you choose someone you think you can work well with, I want to think that everything will go smoothly but for all we know there may be moles among the populace"[/color] It is what he would do if their positions were reversed after all. [color=df73ff]"To prevent from visiting the same people a pair take the left, another the middle and we will take the right. As for the information, everything is useful, rumors, stories, even suspicions may have some truth to them, we depart as soon as the pairs are formed"[/color] Part of him chaffed at just giving orders like that, he was not accustomed to doing it but the party had voted him as the leader and he could at least try to act the part. He moved towards Fenna [color=df73ff]"Hope you are okay with going with me, truth be told I think you are the better fighter"[/color] He tried to smile but he only managed to grimace more [color=df73ff]"Do you think you could ask Sil to keep an eye on the others? I know I am being paranoid but, well, I rather be needlessly paranoid than be right"[/color] In all honesty, he felt uneasy, part of him felt like he was overestimating their foe, their tactics seemed... [i]crude[/i] for a lack of a better term, too focused on short objectives and revealing their existence too soon, if they had mind magics as the wagon driver told them then their best move would have been to slowly corrupt the people of the nearby villages with the big cities none the wiser, then create a distraction and proceed with their true plan in secret, but if their cult was like those back home then it would explain the sloppiness, too many actors with their own thoughts and all it would take was someone acting on an idea too good to share to spoil everything. Still, being cautious never harmed anybody. [center]-+-+--+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-[/center] [color=df73ff]"Are you all ready?"[/color] He waited for confirmation [color=df73ff]"Then let's go, good luck, stay safe"[/color]