[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] MacKensie watched the wagon roll away from them, considering what the stranger had told them. How evil to prey upon the good nature of people with such treacherous traps. She'd sooner respect monsters, for at least monsters were upfront and straight forward with their evil intentions. The wagon driver's story also reminded MacKensie that this would be difficult. They were dealing with an intelligent enemy - one that could out-think them, if they let their guard down. "Looks like the cult like to play dirty," Zell said, drawing the frenchwoman's attention from the wagon that had almost disappeared from sight. Her eyes followed his movements as he went to the head of the party and turned to face them all. "We should be careful. If the enemy is pulling off charades like that, then we shouldn't put it past them to have double-agents all around the local area. Be wary of anyone in Cherrad who is being a little too helpful." MacKensie's eyes flared at the idea of double-agents. She hadn't even considered that (a second reminder in quick succession, that they had to be on guard and strategic.) Fortunately, Second Chance had intelligence and cunning among their own. [color=df73ff]"Oh right!"[/color] James piped up, next in turn to speak after Adam agreed with Zell. Her blue gaze fell on him. [color=df73ff]"Here, a little extra something in case you ever need it"[/color] MacKensie smiled and held her hand out gratefully. [Colour=Pink]"Thank you so much, James,"[/colour] she said, drawing the knife to look at it briefly, before sliding the blade back in the sheath and putting it away in her rucksack. For now, she would keep it for outdoor food-prep and eating. She already had a bigger dagger on her hip that was fit for combat. "If something's bothering you, you'll only make it worse by overthinking." Her heartrate quickened and anxiety grew at Zell's voice and words. This was not something she was [i]even close[/i] to being ready to address! But Zell being Zell, lightened the mood with a joke to mask his words of wisdom. "I need you at your best so you can save my dumb ass when I inevitably do something insane, okay?" Well, it was a half-joke. Chances were that the man would probably end up doing something crazy. She couldn't help but smile, and she nodded. [Colour=Pink]"I'll be sure to be ready to rescue you, as usual,"[/colour] she returned. And it was left there, thank the lord. She let out a breath of relief when he walked away, then mentally told herself that she had to get her act together. She could not let these issues get in the way of her performance as an adventurer. Too much was at stake. And so, she attempted to take his advice and stop overthinking. It was time to be mature and get on with the task at hand. Adam turned to the party leader. “James, how should we proceed?” And James laid out a plan of how to approach Cherrad. MacKensie listened, nodding every now and then. When the decision was left to them who to partner up with, MacKensie immediately spoke up, her eyes going straight to their new party member. [Colour=Pink]"Barracker - You and I?"[/colour] Once they were ready to split, MacKensie nodded thanks for James' well-wishes and gave her own. [Colour=Pink]"Good luck everyone."[/colour] Barracker and MacKensie entered Cherrad on the left side, meaning to skirt around the edge of the village and enter further along. On their route, they came across an old woman, who was sat on a stool, tending a small beehive. She spotted them and gave a welcoming smile. [Colour=Pink]"Good afternoon, Madame."[/colour] "Afternoon, miss," the old woman returned. [Colour=Pink]"My name is MacKensie. MacKensie Trydant. And this is my friend, Barracker Kassel. We are adventurers, come about the Temple of Hades."[/colour] "I thought so," she said unhappily. It was only now that MacKensie realised that under her polite smile she wore a sad expression. "I've a son who's up on that hill. Part of that dreaded cult." She shook her head. "He's a good lad, our Steven. Always been a righteous soul, ever since he was a boy. He pledged his life to the worship of Hades and the service of that temple. He understands how sacred life is. He'd never hurt a fly, if he was in his right mind." A single tear rolled down her cheek. "Some kind of magic has brainwashed him, you must understand. [i]I know him[/i]. Nobody knows him like his mother, I'll tell you straight. Please... if there's some way to save him without hurting him... I know he's done wrong... but he'll repent for his sins, if you can break the spell over him." The old woman held out her hand and MacKensie felt obliged to hold it. "Please... save my boy." They talked for a little bit longer, but there wasn't much the old woman could say in the way of useful information... [Colour=Pink]"Thank you for speaking with us."[/colour] ...And so MacKensie and Barracker moved on to find someone else. [Colour=Pink]"How awful,"[/colour] she whispered to Barracker sympathetically once they were out of earshot. [Colour=Pink]"Do you think this spell might be broken if we kill the Greater Wraith?"[/colour]