[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] Zell stood by Fenna as she explained about her connection with Sil in a little more detail, rubbing his chin as he listened. When she finished, he nodded. "Well, I'm sure she'll make herself useful either way." He looked around to see if he could put eyes on her. "Clever little thing." When James told everyone the gameplan for Cherrad, Zell signalled he was on board with lazy salute. MacKensie paired up with Barracker, leaving Zell with the option of either Adam or Lillianna, and seeing as Zell was not particularly enthused with the idea of going to church (he'd not seen one of those since before he was a teenager) that left only one choice. He regarded James sidelong. "Why don't you and Fenna go find the Church of Iris with Lillianna. It'll probably be somewhere in the center of the village. Me n Plant Man'll check out the right side, see what we can see. Sound good?" With that decided, he gave a little nod to Adam and started walking. "Come on then, mate." The steady descenting road that led them into Cherrad gave them enough time and enough of a view of the place for some contemplation. [i]What a fucking boring-looking place,[/i] was the city-boy's assessment. He couldn't imagine having to grow up in an area with less buildings than the average road in London. What on earth was there to do, here? There couldn't have been any night-life. No gyms. No leisure centres. The few girls around would likely be related to you. "Jeez, bruv," he said to Adam as they walked side-by-side. "If I was born here, [i]I'd[/i] probably be [i]begging[/i] to join the cult, just for something to do." He smirked at Adam, although something told him that the younger man probably wouldn't find the humour in such a dark quip. When they got into the village, they started asking around. Zell let Adam take the lead whenever the Druid chose, but didn't neglect to make a few inquiries himself. "Alright there, my mate," he greeted to a man in the road. He raised his left hand to show the villager the Source crystal embedded in the back of it. "Zell Brooks. Of Second Chance. Just wondering if I could ask you a few questions about the cult on the hill up there." ... No luck on Zell's side. The englishman wasn't even sure what questions would be good to ask. All he knew was that their contract was to kill the Greater Wraith. This cult was just in the way. But he at least understood that it was possible to get some information that might prove useful, so hopefully his fellow party members would have better questions than him. And hopefully get better answers too.