[hider=Thierry]Name: Thierry Claude de Villiers Age: 39 Gender: cis male Appearance: Short dark brown hair, suspicious brown eyes, 5'11", average active fit, 190lbs, clean-cut [hider=Actor: Matt Boomer] [img]https://i.imgur.com/afYMrCR.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Source: ??? Google Search] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wtDKEOr.jpg[/img] [/hider] Augmentation: N/A Has no desire for this. Personality: Overly cautious through years of experience. In his youth, he was foolhardy. His rash behavior is what caused him to fall and bust his left knee during a mission at The Temple of Karnak. Now he believes that patience really is a virtue and potentially life saving, but his temper still peaks depending on the situation. Despite having a temper, he's very empathetic and affectionate. His devotion and passionate nature will land him a new marriage towards someone many dismiss for abrasively callous at first glance... [i]in about 4 years[/i]. Defining Trait: Diligent Backstory: Started working for The Louvre straight out of High School, originally as a Tour Guide for the museum. Once he graduated college, he went from standard Tour Guide, to Louvre Field Archeologist. Once he busted his left knee during a Temple of Karnak run, The Louvre made room for him as a Field Director. Field Directors were still archeologists, but instead of going out on the field themselves, they send various Louvre agents on runs instead. He's one of only a handful of Field Directors who has actually served The Louvre as an agent himself- making him a much needed link. While his work ethic is amazing, [i]spectacular [/i]even, his home life is chaotic. Not because he doesn't love his three children, because he does very much, but because he fails at time management. Thierry can easily spend long hours lost in his study reading about such and such civilization. He's often trying to transcribe the various crude [i]doodles[/i] that have been found on ancient walls. If he's not doing that, he'll be distributing field work to various Louvre agents- or reading an agent's work notes. He's currently in the midst of falling out of love with wife, [i]Sabrina[/i], if he ever was truly in love with her. Despite this, he's still grasping for threads to hang on to. Love of his life or not, she still is the mother of two of his children and a very loving adoptive mother to his eldest daughter. So loveless marriage or not, he's willing to try to make it work for his children's sake. Long before acquiring his office job, Thierry has earned the nickname, [i]Monsieur[/i], for certain fashion choices he's made out on the field. While most men would rather wear tactical military grade gear, Thierry is often seen sporting a three piece suit... A true classy Frenchman. Unlike Sabrina who was born into money, Thierry comes from a modest middle class family. Skills: Linguistics, MMA, weaponry Inventory: Utility Watch made from a Pequignet wrist watch: ROYALE SAPHIR PHANTOM. It holds 20 individual physical objects, but has byte size and physical size limitation. Meant for smaller usage items ex: guns, ammo, rations and temp storage for artifacts. [/hider] [hider=Nick] Name: Nicholas James Bergman Age: 16 Gender: cis male Appearance: Dirty blonde, bright blue eyes, heart shaped face, Caucasian, 5'6", 110lbs, small build, active slim [hider=This guy tho:] [img]https://i.imgur.com/iChOnx1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=And this one too!] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wNgMGTm.jpg[/img] [/hider] Augmentation: N/A Personality: Nick is a junkyard dog at first glance and most people don't bother looking beyond that first chance. Piss him off? He'll happily hand you your ass for free. While he might come off as nothing more than a cantankerous little shit, he's actually a deep well of lovingly charismatic emotion. He's terrified of losing others, so he chooses to push people away rather than lose out on a good thing. Nothing in this life lasts forever and so he'd rather not have it. Where others fail, he thrives in solitude. Defining Trait: bitter Backstory: Currently wandering around Egypt (like he owns the place) as a Rogue Agent. Rogue Agents are [i]on the field archeologists[/i] that aren't working for any society. They are considered (by many society agents) to be worse than just freelanced enthusiasts; they have a knack for getting in the way and fucking shit up due to their inexperience and lack of proper field training. They are heavily frowned upon as they are basically considered "Tourists with Guns". Was a mamma's boy through and through, even now that his mother has since passed away from Breast Cancer, he still wears her cherished cameo locket. His father died in a car crash, on their way to go see mom in the hospital. His mother eventually remarried, but died three years later. Nick hates his stepfather with a fiery passion- and [i]likewise[/i]. To this day he's convinced that the man only wanted the insurance money. Money that he, nor his little brother, [i]Aaron[/i], ever saw. Years of fighting with his stepfather, school authority figures, and [i]everybody else[/i] for that matter, Nick's found himself in and out of homes and juvenile detention centers across the country. After making some significant behavioral changes in regular therapy sessions after his diagnosis of Oppositional Defiance Disorder, a judge granted him [i]one last chance[/i] at attending school. With his grades up, or at least at passing level, a certain type of fate happened during an otherwise routine field trip to Egypt. It started off as a simple desire to escape noisy peers and examine the hieroglyphs, but Nick soon found himself firing a shotgun at reluctantly dead mummies. That was a year ago. He's since managed to become a person of interest for The Louvre, or rather... [i]a pain in the ass for Thierry[/i], through the help of an Egyptian Field Agent, [i]Ramses Saamir Andrew[/i]. Aaron is still living with their Uncle in Maine, and has no idea Nick is MIA from his boarding school. Skills: street fighting, and endurance training Inventory: N/A or whatever he gets his hands on through theft [/hider] [hider=Ramses] Name: Ramses Saamir Andrew Age: 30 Gender: cis male Appearance: [hider=Source: ??? DuckDuck go image search] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QKhZP3M.jpg[/img] [/hider] Augmentation: [redacted] ??? If you ask him, he'll tell you that he has none. Rumor has it that he actually has two of them. But maybe he started the rumors for shits and giggles... Personality: If Ramses wasn't an archeologist with a steady job, you'd easily think he was a college bro; a typical frat boy. Always up for a good party, he's woken up the next morning with a hangover, that even [i]he [/i]doesn't know how many times. He figures that since his day job is so emotionally and mentally demanding, that throwing back a few every now and then is just fine. Some see him as a high functioning drunk. Which... as long as he doesn't find himself [i]fired[/i], is just fine with him. Because not having a degree in the current almost-collapsed Egyptian economy? After yet another war? Yeah, no thank you. Being a field operative for the Museum is better than being a government solider [i]any [/i]day. While it's true that he's always up for a good party, he's totally fine playing the quiet role as well. He's a true ambivert. Listening in on other people's feelings is a strong point of his. He's bold, but with a kind heart. It's this kindness that will lead him to being friends with Nick, despite issues the two have in the beginning. Once he realizes that Nick just can't emotionally handle dealing with people, he makes himself scarce, allowing Nick to feel comfortable reaching out to him in the end... Defining Trait: Reserved Backstory: Currently an [i]on the field[/i] archeologist for The Egyptian Museum. Based in Cairo most of the time. It will be sheer dumb luck when he first comes across a rogue field archeologist, [i]Nicholas Bergman[/i], during a Temple of Karnak run. Damn kid will fall 30 feet, but manages to grab some foundation roping and survive. Despite helping this idiot get to safety, Nick immediately hates his guts and he felt not much better of the, dumbass. A lot will change over the coming years, however, and will consider the Bergman brothers to be quite the alliance for the Cairo Museum. Remaining file is [redacted]. Skills: The Egyptian Museum utilizes Ramses' computer skills as giving him a job title of Field Hacker. He can shoot a target down just as easy as hack your company's security software. Not only is he well versed in modern software programming, he's fluent in hieroglyphs. Inventory: Stolen technology from the field during runs, when not on home turf. [/hider]