Fenna listened as James explained his idea. Splitting up, it made sense. It was the best way to gather as much information as they could. When James asked if she was okay going with him, she smiled reassuringly. "Of course I don't mind." It would be up to the others to see who would join them. She listened to his follow-up question and nodded. "That should be doable." There was no doubt in her mind Sil could recognise the people who were with her and that she understood danger, protection and being on the look-out. It didn't take her long to find the falcon, perched on a roof. The moment Fenna looked at her she flew down and Fenna extended an arm. "We need your help, we're all going separate ways. Keep an eye on everyone, will you? Like eggs in a nest. Come to me if the others are in danger." She did her best to think in images and feelings as she tried to explain what she wanted from the bird. If she was not mistaken the bird understood. It was hard to tell, but just as she knew where Sil was, she also knew about that. As if there was a feeling of understanding coming from the bird. Sil flew up and choose one of the tallest building to sit, her eyes focussed on the village. When Fenna turned to the others it seemed like the decisions were made. MacKensie had chosen Barracker, and Zell decided to go with Adam. That left Lilliana to go with them and by the sound of it they would be visiting another church. It worked out well this way, Fenna had accompanied Lilliana before and James was a cleric. After the others went left and right, Fenna turned to the other two. "I suppose we'll head straight the the center and towards the church then," she said. "It's a good starting point and Lilliana needs to be there as well." She started walking, taking in the small village as she followed the earthen path between the houses. One woman looked suspiciously at them from the doorway and Fenna smiled politely in response. Not all villagers would be happy about foreigners, especially with that cult in the area. A man with a chicken under his arm nodded a greeting and directed them to the church when Fenna asked. The building wasn't as grand as the one in the city, which was no surprise. It was only slightly bigger than the houses with a roof that stood out a little above the other houses, but it would have been easy to miss.