[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker was in deep thought. The paladin had dealt with weaker types of spectres before, but never a Greater Wraith. He had though studied hard so he wasn’t completely out of his depth. Wraith’s usually laid down a sphere of influence wherever they manifested into this plane of existence. This could muddle the minds of men, cloud their morales and corrupt them to serve and worship it. This Greater Wraith must’ve been a powerful one to take over the whole temple. As everyone discussed the situation, Zell came forth with a friendly pat on his shoulder. Barracker gave a nod to his friend, Zell spoke about double agents among the villagers of Cherrad, Adam nodded in agreement. [Colour=Green]“I concur with Adam and Zell,”[/colour] Barracker said with a grimace. Leader James spoke and gave everyone a knife,which Barracker thanked him for. The paladin reviewed the blade of the knife and then slid it back into its sheath, attaching it on his chest piece in a way so that he could draw it and throw it with quickness and ease. Overhearing Fenna’s explanation about Sil, Barracker thought that he was glad to have eyes in the sky, watching down on the group. The group discussed their thoughts among each other, valid points came from everyone. The first counter measures to cover such space with the numbers they came with, was from leader James, suggesting that the party split into two duos and one trio, one taking the left side, one the middle and the last the right side of the village. [Colour=Green][i]So this is what it is like to be part of a party.[/i][/colour] Barracker felt very much one of them as they didn’t look at him like other people do, like that wagon driver did. They ignored his vampirism and took him for what he was. MacKensie chimed in and picked Barracker as her partner to pair up with. [Colour=Green]“Stay swift,”[/colour] he said with a quick salute, his own way saying ‘be careful.’ As the two made their way away from the group, they skirted around the edge of the village of Cherrad where they met an old lady who was sat on a stool tending to her small beehive. As Barracker and MacKensie came up walking towards her, she gave a warm smile. [Colour=Pink]"Good afternoon, Madame."[/colour] MacKensie said. "Afternoon, miss," the old woman returned. Barracker stood quite, letting MacKensie introduce him. [Colour=Pink]"My name is MacKensie. MacKensie Trydant. And this is my friend, Barracker Kassel. We are adventurers, come about the Temple of Hades."[/colour] Barracker raised his hand up and gave a smile towards the woman. "I thought so," the old lady said unhappily. "I've a son who's up on that hill. Part of that dreaded cult." She shook her head. "He's a good lad, our Steven. Always been a righteous soul, ever since he was a boy. He pledged his life to the worship of Hades and the service of that temple. He understands how sacred life is. He'd never hurt a fly, if he was in his right mind." [Colour=Green][i]The wraith’s sphere of influence is strong.[/i][/colour] Barracker thought to himself, he would wait until it was just the two of them to say. A single tear rolled down her cheek. "Some kind of magic has brainwashed him, you must understand. I know him. Nobody knows him like his mother, I'll tell you straight. Please... if there's some way to save him without hurting him... I know he's done wrong... but he'll repent for his sins, if you can break the spell over him." The old woman held out her hand and MacKensie held it. "Please... save my boy." Barracker saw the pain from the old lady, she was yearning to have her son back, back to his usual self. This village of Cherrad had to be cleansed of this Greater Wraith as soon as possible. [Colour=Green]“If there is a way, we will find it,”[/colour] Barracker knelt down beside the old lady and went to pat her but held back, This brought back memories of when he first returned to Valhiem after being bitten by the vampire that changed his life. He stood helpless in front of Areleth and mother Anne, telling them that his mind had not been corrupted to evil and savagery, even if most people would say it was too late for him. They spoke for a little bit longer. [Colour=Pink]"Thank you for speaking with us."[/colour] MacKensie and Barracker moved on to find someone else. [Colour=Pink]"How awful,"[/colour] she whispered to Barracker sympathetically once they were out of earshot. [Colour=Pink]"Do you think this spell might be broken if we kill the Greater Wraith?"[/colour] Barrackers eyes narrowed in when the wraith was mentioned. [Colour=Green]“By what my studies have shown me over the years of being a paladin… mostly. The main source behind clouding a person's thoughts and mind, will die when the wraith does. It should work that way, but I have only dealt with lower wraiths,”[/colour] he grimaced once more. [Colour=Green]“The wraith’s sphere of influence is very strong. If we are not careful it could even try to attach itself to one of us.”[/colour]