The Witch faded away. Lily took a deep breath, watching as the man's body crumpled to the ground. While it was hardly a clean death, it was far from the worst she had ever seen. At least the fact his head was gone meant he had died quickly. The Umbral Knight reappeared, gazing down at the fallen, decapitated corpse in silence. "Something's strange..." Lily's attention had quickly left the body, as she now turned towards the villagers. She didn't have any means to repair any damage herself, but she wanted to do something to help protect them better. It looked like most of the enemy soldiers were in retreat, so after a few moments she nodded to herself. "You want to stay by the villagers, don't you?" the Umbral Knight asked. Lily nodded. "Then of course, I'll stay by your side." [@PKMNB0Y] [hr] "Six Petal Lily." The fact that the spell's name was spoken this time was a marked departure from the mage's prior wordless casting. And, indeed, the barrier that intercepted Sanae's barrage resembled a flower, one of its petals falling away on the initial impact of her danmaku. Using it much like a physical shield to keep a barrier between herself and Sanae's attacks, the horned girl shifted her attention fully to the target below. Just quickly enough to see the rock that had been sent hurtling her way. It was trivial to dodge, and if she'd seen it coming sooner it couldn't have been any issue. But--- There was an ugly crunch when it struck her shoulder, her body jolted as the impact knocked her sideways. "..." The first sign of any expression on her face was the fact that she winced, now. A tear could be seen welling in the corner of her left eye. "... I see... physical strength and a mysterious ability that does not use mana," the mage commented, her voice still remaining almost entirely level, "A high-grade threat. Further analysis in this situation would be foolish." She took aim with her staff. While her barrier had almost certainly lost at least one more petal since she conjured it, she believed she would have enough time. Her magic couldn't pierce whatever defenses the horned woman had prior, so she would escalate to the strongest barrier piercing spells she had at her disposal. The light built at the tip of her staff, and though her hand shook slightly her aim did not leave the horned woman below. Even if it failed, she'd at least be able to judge the extent of her enemy's defenses, or her agility. "Astral Lance." The light that exploded from the tip of her staff was different from her prior attacks. It was thin, condensed, a beam of mana that was compressed in order to allow it as much piercing capability as possible. [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze]