[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6P8qTaC.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/32sPLv7.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/FcbtMmB.png[/img][h1]Auri Auclair.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] [color=3874f4]Drake:[/color] Luca ([@FernStone]), and Alize ([@Estylwen]). [b]Auri:[/b] The entire group.[/right][right][b][code]Flowers and Canvases.[/code][/b][/right][hr] Suddenly, Drake realized why Victoria and the others passed on the invitation. It wasn't long before old wounds were brought up, and people were slinging attitudes toward Auri... while he had the same sentiment, Drake was mostly trying to scan Auri for her intentions. Victoria was distrustful of Auri and knowing his big sister, she was a lot wiser than he was, and that sage-like wisdom reminded Drake a little bit of his father. In short, Victoria had her reasons, and Drake would be an idiot to ignore it. However, Drake had to add a little tidbit to everyone else's statements about hurrying things up. [color=3874f4]"Look, Auri, I get that you're happy to get the gang back together..."[/color] Drake looked to the left, then the right, continued, [color=3874f4]"... Well, whoever showed up. But, you have to understand that we all moved on."[/color] Drake crossed his arms and then finished. [color=3874f4]"I don't think I'm the only one here who thinks that after the Stygian Snake was defeated, the Coven should have disbanded."[/color] It made Drake no difference since he left so early on and only heard about how bad things got second hand from Charles, Victoria, Amanda, and Nikki. Drake looked around and made a note of everyone here. Next to him was Linqian; he remembered not liking her older twin Jinhai... which was not something that Drake would bring up in light of the news of his death. It was funny because Linqian didn't like Victoria either, which Drake couldn't fault as much as he loved his older sister. The whole "team mom" schtick would have driven Drake up the wall if it was anyone else. Then Drake's eyes landed on Sloane... He and Sloane had a great relationship for the most part. Jade saved her life after her little stunt of playing bait to the Stygian Snake, and the two have been close since then. Drake also enjoyed how she would point him in the direction of malevolent Paranormals. Next up was Eksa Thresh... whom Drake [i]also[/i] (metaphorically) pulled out the fire, but she went ghost after the Stygian Snake business. Honestly, Drake didn't blame her. Seeing her here after trying to reach out only to get absolute radio silence felt a little weird. Drake read that people process trauma in different ways, and he wasn't sure if she should even be here. She just sat there, as uncomfortable as they got. Then there was Tayla... he thought? He barely recognized her, maybe. She didn't seem like she wanted to be here and wanted Auri to get to the point. Tayla was probably as skeptical about the whole thing as Drake, but Drake was willing to hear Auri out - he vaguely remembered her not liking him, but it was all water under the bridge, baby! Simone was there, looking bad as always, and Drake felt scummy for saying that if he wasn't reeling over Jade, he would try his luck with her. However, there is nothing that he would act on at the moment (or, more likely, at all). Then there was good ol' Greyson. Drake recognized the blowhard the second he started talking and couldn't help but roll his eyes as he talked out of his ass. He and Drake did [i]not[/i] get along even while fighting the Stygian Snake, and he heard many bad things about him from Victoria and Amanda... a few times, Drake was going to slide by and whoop his ass. However, Victoria talked him out of it. Then there was Luca, whom Drake knew about from what Britney did, but left the Coven so early that he didn't get a good enough opinion of the guy. However, Luca was the one to speak up after Drake, and he brought up Britney... Drake didn't have a great opinion of the gal'; he went from feeling utterly neutral about her to vehemently despising her for what she did. Despite Drake and Jade's protests, she was allowed to remain in the Coven, one (of many) reasons Drake left so early on. Drake shrugged and said to Luca and Alizee, [color=3874f4]"Didn't ya'll vote her off the island or something? She probably won't even show up..."[/color] He shrugged again. "I admit, I [i]did[/i] invite her, but she said that she "wasn't sure" if she was going to show up." Auri started calmly but chipperly, " So, I'm going to take that as a no." Speaking of Britney, a thought popped into Drake's head. [color=3874f4]"... What [i]I[/i] want to know is; did you invite [i]Emily?[/i]"[/color] Drake narrowed his eyes, given that Auri's idealism made it likely that she invited the Queen Bitch. Drake remembered liking Emily even less than Britney and Greyson... and was the one cheering Amanda on when she snapped and beat Emily up for going too far. Auri awkwardly laughed and pulled at her collar as she swiftly said, [i]"No."[/i] Then she added, "However, [i]that[/i] is a subject I will get to later." Auri pointed to Sloane, then Tayla, then Linqian and said, "... I'm going to leave it to you three to fill in anyone that comes in later, then?" In that oddly chipperly tone, she said, "Now, since you all want me to get to the point, let me begin with what information I've gathered... Have you all heard of the Wolfpack?" [color=3874f4]"... The biker gang?[/color] Drake answered. He clashed several times with the so-called "Motorcycle Club", and they were no joke. "Yes..." Auri answered before she continued. "From what I heard, they went from a gang of dealers to big-time crime lords that rule a chunk of the city's northeast section. What is most interesting is that their leader, Judas, uses the Father Wolf alias." [color=3874f4]"So, let me guess; you think Judas is Father Wolf?"[/color] "It would make sense," Auri said. [color=3874f4]"Just [i]why[/i] would the Wolfpack be targeting us, then?"[/color] Drake raised an eyebrow as he leaned back in his chair, finding the balance so he didn't fall and break his neck. "That I do not know," Auri started, "But if Judas [i]is[/i] Father Wolf... we need to give it at least a look." Drake scoffed. [color=3874f4]"So, you expect us to fight a gang of hardened criminals?"[/color] "No, I do not," Auri said. "I am [i]suggesting[/i] that we simply investigate the Wolfpack. If Judas or the Wolfpack are not involved with the murders or Father Wolf, we move on to the next lead." [color=3874f4]"So... where do we start?"[/color] Drake asked. "Well, I heard that Judas and the Wolfpack like to hang out at a trashy strip club in the northeast called Veni Vedi Veni... and his favorite stripper is a... [i]preformer[/i] named Violet. I suggest we go by there and see what information we can gain on Judas and the Wolfpack before we make a judgment." Auri paused for a minute, taking a deep breath before she continued. "But, as you said, Drake," Auri started, "This is a gang of hardened criminals, and I must let everyone here know that this will be [i]extremely[/i] dangerous. I won't drag everyone into certain danger like this, so I must ask..." There was another dramatic pause. "... Who is in?"