When James suggested the team split up, Adam nodded in agreement. The cult was in the [i]temple,[/i] not the town, so there shouldn't be any danger while they gathered information. And he didn't have any real preference for who he would team up with, though a small part of him wanted more time alone with their Ranger. That wasn't relevant to the mission though, so he pushed those thoughts aside. Zell volunteering to go into town with him was fine; his joke about the cult was stupid. Adam had taken in the place, seeing a charming village where people were close and nature was plentiful. Cherrad was likely a much more upbeat place without the cult there; that's what Second Chance was for, right? For all the discomfort Adam had of killing people that could be saved, he knew the team's work would help a town return to its former glory. He said none of this to the swordsman though, instead just sighing and shaking his head. Frankly, Adam didn't have the desire to lecture right now; he knew Zell would step up when it mattered. Instead, the red-eyed man would focus his energy on talking to the villagers and hopefully getting useful information from them. And at first, the Druid shared his friend's luck with regards to finding information. But eventually after sharing the story the wagon driver told with a friendly shopkeeper, the latter gave him an important lead. “Oh, Nick? He was just here, dropping off some meat at a nearby store. If you hurry, you can probably catch him before he leaves town.” Adam thanked the entrepreneur, then explained the situation to Zell, telling him he would meet up with the rest of the team after talking with this guy. Running off after this, the fisherman eventually caught up with the man; a portly, balding fellow wearing worn clothes pushing an empty cart with “Nick's Meats” written on it in white paint out of Cherrad. “Excuse me sir, my name is Adam and I'm here with my team to deal with the monster afflicting this town. If you don't mind, I had a few questions I was hoping you could answer.” The cart owner was happy to oblige, and the two of them had a nice conversation before the meat salesman resumed his travel away from the town. The red-eyed man went in the opposite direction, finding his team so they could proceed with whatever happened next together.