[table][row][right][color=92278f][h3][b]Yuu[/b][/h3][/color]Bjyerlfal City  ||  Outside Camphor's Lab   ||  Morning[/right][/row][cell][color=92278f]"Hmm,"[/color] Yuu clicked the roof of his mouth as he witnessed Remi instantly adapt to the situation, as well as watched as the Cottonee flew out of the path of their partners Yawn and landed directly behind Slakoth. However that wasn't the only thing he was taking note of as his gaze shifted over to his battle partner, squinting at her. While Vivi was loudly buzzing and whirring, cheering on both Jojo and Aster, Yuu was silently contemplating the lack of communication during battle.

Yuu quickly mused over this quickly, noting how detached from the battle she looked to him. He would of liked to chalk it up to the two being bonded with each other long enough for them to wordlessly communicate what they wanted, but she didn't even try anything, not even a single gesture. Rubbing the bottom of his lip, Yuu returned his sights to the fight, taking note of Aster's drowsy nature, as well as the positioning of Jojo on the battlefield when compared to their opponents.

[color=92278f]"Not too shabby with your quick thinking there... but will it be quick enough,"[/color] Yuu mused out loud, raising an eyebrow as he snapped his fingers and pointed to the battlefield and giving his partnered trainer a sidelong glance. [color=92278f]"Have Aster follow my lead,"[/color] Yuu hastily stated before going back to guiding Jojo, [color=92278f]"Jojo, use Quick Attack to grab and smash Cottonee face-first into Slakoth!"[/color]

[color=firebrick]"Rio,"[/color] Jojo cheerfully responded, nodding as it whipped its head to the side and stared down at the Cottonee. Narrowing its red eyes the Pokemon used its burst of speed to quickly dash around and dive towards their opponent. As it attempted to make this strike, the moment its paws were driven into the Cottonee, it would grip its fur and keep the momentum going, launching himself forward towards the Slakoth.

[color=92278f][i]"Lets see if we can ram those two into each other and hopefully redirect the Absorb onto the Slakoth... if she even does anything,"[/i][/color] while it seemed Yuu's attention was completely on the fight, his eyes would sometimes drift over to the ninja girl. Every time it did, his gaze became a bit colder, calculating, and even piercing.

Beyond the plan going through his mind, there was another smaller thought nagging at him - What was she going to do next, if anything at all?[/cell][cell][hider=Trainer Information || Yuu Nozomu][u]Pokémon		[/u]
Jojo the Riolu | Lvl 5 | [color=39b54a]Healthy[/color]

[u]Pokédollars	[/u]

[u]Inventory		[/u]
x3 Potion
x5 Pokéballs

[u]Interactions	[/u]
GM | [@Rune_Alchemist]
Jill | [@XxFellsingxX][/hider][/cell][/table]