
A familiar taste of metal oozed into Eve's mouth as she spit blood out, she couldn't pull herself out of the grasps of the dude who was holding her arms behind her in that neon lit parking lot of the Veni Vedi Veni. [b]Wham![/b] A punch grazed across her face as she recoiled from being slammed in the face by such a hammer fist. Spitting out blood she looked towards the oaf feeding her punches, she tensed up her arms wrenching against the guy who was holding her in place. Blood dribbled from her nose and mouth as she reactively spit on the biker in front of her.

"Fucking punk.." She muttered [b]Wham![/b] another punch across the bow left her head spinning again as her knees buckled but she was forced to stand up straight. "You think you can just scam our club and get away with it you little bitch!?" He was angry, big beard, shaved head the whole nine yards but no Judas. Eve blinked weakly as she looked back up to him trying to think of something witty to help her escape the situation. "...You take I-O-" [b]Wham![/b] that one knocked the wind out of her as she almost fell again only being stood up by the goon again.

Blinking tears out of her eyes she looked up as baldie reached into his boot for a knife, this definitely wasn't going. Moving her wrists she found purchase of grabbing onto the man behind her. Within moments he screamed out in pain, his skin growing frostbitten and cold as night drew over St. Portwell. Eve took her chance, running with the world spinning at her toes she ran towards the edge of the parking lot. The seven foot fence of freedom, she jumped and found her foot finding a hold in one of the spooled wired gaps. Reaching the top she felt a familiar, huge hand grab onto her!

"Gah! Fucker!" She said struggling, falling over the other side all the goon got was the MC colors she was wearing at the time. Left in her t-shirt and repairable jeans she took off. Way faster, and nimbler than the thugs that wanted her debt money and perhaps her life. 


Oh right, the meeting. 

Stumbling out of her small apartment, she did the best she could to fix herself up. Nose? The bone was set and held in place with a bandage. Cuts? Cleaned, and bandaged with polysporin. Scrapes on her arms? Washed out and covered by her clothing (not the ink, never fuck with the ink.) The trip to the Flowers and Canvas was one that would be taken by way of taxi, a popular mode of transportation in St. Portwell, almost falling out and paying her fare for the ride. Eve found herself at the front gates of heaven, or hell but ultimately it depended on who you asked.

A recall of memory, drama and more. She lined up a Grey Strike cigarette to her lips, her hands were a big shaky from an overdose of violence and trauma for the day. Lighting it with her blood-stained zippo lighter, the metal sounded dull without proper maintenance and care. She stumbled in, taking long drags of the burning tobacco. It calmed her, and for Mazzy Star it kept her alert. Alert that Eve was smoking, there was no actual evidence this helped Mazzy but she knew Eve was smoking.

Seeing such a big crowd, of faces she knew or thought she knew back then. Shit, it was a lot to take it.

"Sup... Who was the healer again?" Eve held her balance on a nearby plant for a moment as she edged her way over to the crowd of 'witches'.

She eventually placed a supportive hand on Finn's shoulder, surely he wouldn't let her fall?
