[center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][/center] Feanor Moss came into the church in time to hear the conversation between Sister Gwen and Lillianna. He'd been informed that adventurers had finally come to deal with the situation on Temple Hill, something he'd been anticipating for quite some time. After speaking with a friend, he'd caught up with party and now waited for a chance to speak, intrigued by the topic of the two women's conversation. After he understood the situation regarding Sister Gwen's brother, he intruded. "Hello there," he said softly. "I couldn't help but overhear - I'm sorry to hear about your brother, Sister Gwen - the situation is more dire than you understand. The ghost of your brother is in danger of permanent purgatory, trapped in a restless state, in the Mazy Hillocks for eternity, if something is not done as soon as possible..." [h1][center]***[/center][/h1] When the party met up on the other side of the village, Lillianna anxiously explained the emergency she'd discovered regarding the ghost who'd warned them about the direwolves in The Mazy Hillocks. She could not stand by and let the spirit of that man be destined for such a horrible fate, and had to go with Sister Gwen to help her save her brother's soul. She had to leave at once, and return to Valhiem to prepare a ritual that would release the ghost from this world. It was an unfortunate situation, but Lillianna Steiner, after being begged by Sister Gwen and convinced by Feanor Moss, would abandon the mission to help. She apologized to her party members and promised to meet up with them in a few days, once her task was complete. Second Chance would be without their wizard for the foreseeable future. After wishing Lillianna luck, the rest of the party left Cherrad and headed to the foot of Temple Hill, to start the climb up to the Temple of Hades where they would camp outside until the full moon shone bright enough to open up the temple entrance. [h1][center]***[/center][/h1] Feanor Moss could not believe his luck. It took all his charm and powers of deception to convince the two women that Gwen's brother's spirit needed saving as soon as possible. Using a mixture of truths and old legends, with lies made up on the spot, he'd riled up the trainee priestess into such a tearful frenzy that both of their pleas to the inexperienced adventurer had somehow managed to convince Lillianna to abandon her own party! He only hoped that his warning would reach his leader, [i]The Listener[/i], in time to prepare the cult for a fight.