[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230929/a2080ed81b155b32bcbc521c05f55866.png[/img][/center] The church proved to be a decent source of information, now he had an idea of the amount of people who were corrupted by the cult, which was one more detail to keep in mind, more than anything he was worried about the prospect of an ambush by the brainwashed villagers, they knew the terrain better than his party did, that and the other thing. [color=df73ff]"Good luck"[/color] He watched as Lilliana bid her goodbyes to the rest of the party and then departed, of all the times they could have lost a party member he didn't expect it to happen before they even entered the temple, worse still, Lilliana was the powerhouse of their group in terms of raw magical power, once more he was thankful that Kass had joined their party. Looking at the others he could tell they all didn't learn much anything worrying which was good it meant that they should be able to pool their info. [color=df73ff]"According to the Sister in the church the Temple was manned by a devotee of Hades, a few acolytes, and some local youths, if we count the people that were lured in then we are looking at around 17 people at minimum, we don't know if more people got involved so let's be careful"[/color] He looked at the resolute faces [color=df73ff]"Another piece of info is the fact that the gates of the temple are enchanted to open automatically at night, some religious belief that the spirits enter at night as the living do at day so we should camp at the outskirts until it is dark, our vision will be obscured but so will be theirs"[/color] He looked at their resident tank [color=df73ff]"Kass, where I am from there are legends that those with vampirism have means to see in the dark, do you possess such an ability?"[/color] It would be so useful if he did. Finally, he looked back at the rest [color=df73ff]"I also think we should change our formation, still in diamond shape but with Kass at the front and Zell at the back, he can teleport so he can react the fastest of all of us"[/color] He paused for a moment [color=df73ff]"If anyone has any sugggestion feel free to say it, there is no such thing as a stupid idea"[/color]