[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] She tried to object. She tried to say something, anything that would convince Lillianna to stay with them. That they wouldn't be too long, that they would be back in Valhiem before the end of tomorrow. That MacKensie herself would do whatever she could to see this 'spirit ritual' through with her friend. But nothing could sway Lillianna. And it was hard to argue when Sister Gwen was right there, her eyes red and cheeks streaked with tears. The whole situation was extremely difficult. And so, MacKensie could only give Lillianna a big hug, unable to unwrinkle her brow as she let go and looked with concern at the white-haired wizard. [Colour=Pink]"I don't like that we are splitting up so far,"[/colour] MacKensie said. [Colour=Pink]"Please be careful, Lillianna. I have such a bad feeling about this."[/colour] As their party leader gave them the run-down on the information he and Fenna had gathered, MacKensie couldn't help but turn her head to look at the disappearing shapes of Lillianna and Sister Gwen as they went back into Cherrad. Her stomach twisted in knots as she wondered what the future would bring because of this terrible idea to part ways. Lillianna was now alone, and as powerful as the woman was, she was so shy and tentative, not to mention she was always so far in own her head, MacKensie could never tell if the wizard was fully aware of what was going on around her. And now Second Chance was without their biggest source of elemental damage - about to go into a hostile territory wrought with danger that could only be combatted with elemental damage. Furthermore (from a more selfish persepctive, to be sure) she was completely bereft of weapons or spells that could help against their ethereal enemies. She was not only vulnerable, but severely limited in her capacity to influence the outcome of this mission. All of this made her extremely uneasy. [color=df73ff]"Kass, where I am from there are legends that those with vampirism have means to see in the dark, do you possess such an ability?"[/color] MacKensie looked at Barracker as she waited for his answer. The paladin had already proven his value today, just in his knowledge alone. An affirmative answer here would merely be a bonus. What he'd told her earlier, about the spectres 'sphere of influence' was heartening to hear. The idea that they might be able to save the cult if they could only take out the source of the problem, was good to know. Avoiding battle with those people who were against them, would be another matter entirely though. [color=df73ff]"I also think we should change our formation, still in diamond shape but with Kass at the front and Zell at the back, he can teleport so he can react the fastest of all of us"[/color] He paused for a moment [color=df73ff]"If anyone has any sugggestion feel free to say it, there is no such thing as a stupid idea"[/color] [Colour=Pink]"The Greater Wraith's influence will die along with the monster itself, and the living members of the cult will hopefully regain their senses and be free of the evil that has corrupted their hearts. And so, I suggest that stealth and quiet should be employed, if at all possible. If we can get to the main chamber in the temple without being detected, then we might be able to avoid spilling human blood."[/colour] She shook her head as she realised her mistake. [Colour=Pink]"I mean; human or elven or any other race who is... alive and not evil."[/colour] Later on, when they climbed Temple Hill and got to the entrance of The Temple of Hades, MacKensie laid her hands on what she thought was the rocky surface that covered the entrance, looking up at the beautiful temple. Now she could see it close up, she admired the beauty of the statues around and columns that decorated the building. The place was amazing. Making camp, like last time, had MacKensie feeling like a bit of a spare part, so she patrolled around - not too far away - to make sure nobody was spying on them.